Self-love isn't what you think it is
Let’s be really clear here.
“You” do not hate yourself.
Never have.
Never will.
It’s essential to GET IT that the voices inside your head hate YOU.
Seeing yourself as the recipient of inner bullying and abuse shifts the focus from “hating yourself” to experiencing “compassion for yourself.”
Because it’s incredibly tough to go through life with this constant negativity directed at you.
You need someone who will stand in your corner no matter what.
You can BE that for yourself.
From this stance, you can see that this abused person (YOU) doesn’t deserve any of this—no matter how many atrocities they supposedly committed.
You can see they’ve been talked into unfortunate behaviors and fooled into believing pretty horrible things about themselves, others, and the world.
You can choose to help this person who’s stuck move forward.
As Conscious, Compassionate Awareness, you can accept yourself exactly as you are and help yourself become any way you want to be.
That’s what “loving yourself” is really about.