Self-learning mechanism requires something alive, Part 3

Self-learning mechanism is valid only for living creatures. Why is that? Well, life is a space with matter inside, delimited by something from the outside. In our case, that something is what we call a border, like the skin for example. Now, this inside space with matter is what we call today a body. And it is alive.

So, now that we know what a body is, on the inside, there is something additional. There is temperature and there is time, during which things change on the inside. OK, so matter is not alone. But what is matter? well, Matter consists of atoms, while electrons are orbiting them, on different paths, called orbitals. So far, so good.

Why is this really important to be mentioned, cause we are talking about life. Well, if we have an organism, e.g. a simple cell, then inside this mentioned cell, there are many atoms, with different types and electrons, which move during time flow. These atoms will change their position inside the cell and also react with each other.

As a result, bigger objects will be created, consisting now of molecules, which on their side are atoms which react with each other and build together a higher form of organization, meaning a group of atoms. But these objects, will continue to react, as soon as something changes, during time flow.

Now, many different types of groups, AKA molecules, can be created, each with different properties, depending on their interaction, which on its side, depends on the position inside this cell, means the spatial distribution defines the object properties.

Wait a minute, this reminds me of proteins inside of a cell. Exactly. So, these groups of atoms called molecules are in fact proteins, which can change accordingly to the activity inside this cell. Ergo, the cell has reacted and it "learned" to "adapt" to the stimuli.

If we extrapolate this to a multi-cellular organism, means many cells, then we can see that learning means changing something inside the organism. Furthermore, learning is like eating, which also only applies to life. We change something inside our body, by eating. But this is not enough.

Eating alone is just chewing the food and swallow it accordingly into the stomach. But we can NOT digest this food, even if it is inside our own stomach. Why not? Because inside our stomach we can only add some liquids from our pancreas, but we can not deconstruct it into what we need, namely proteins. WOW !!

Yes, but somebody can help us. Who is that? well, inside our stomach there are billions of foreign single cell organisms, various types of them. They decompose our food into proteins, which at the end of this process will be "exported" into our duodenum, then transported into our blood system.

Et voila, we can eat, and chew our food, but "others" decompose it. These others are called intestinal flora, like the flowers, he he.Afterwards, the blood system transports the proteins to each cell. There, each individual cell assimilates and adapts its own state.

So, if learning is like eating, then we have the following steps: Get the bunch of information, and bundle it into a portion(=mouthful). Then understand it accordingly(=chew it). At the end, swallow it. Then deliver it to the stomach, where others will split it.

Wait a second. Where is the equivalent of a stomach? and who are the others? Well, for this, we have to get back to our living status as a human been. First of all, we can only eat(=learn), according to our development. A baby can only drink milk, cause it has no teeth yet. Right? Right.

Next. We can only eat as much as our stomach allows, due to its capacity. Therefore, we can only learn for one hour, cause this is our capacity, and we can only chew the information, according to our knowledge, this implies that "the others"(= intestinal flora) is actually our knowledge.

So, our knowledge creates itself the mechanism of chewing the information(=teeth), as well as furthermore it also creates its own blood system for delivering the "proteins"(=smallest piece of information) to the corresponding organs, which on their side will put it to each cell(=neuron) and embedded into the organ.

What do you mean with organ, when talking about learning? Well, the organ is in this case the corresponding brain region, specialized to do something, in the same way, that our internal organs, like liver, kidneys, heart, etc. have their specialty, not to forget the connectivity between them.

But there is more. During day we eat, as chew and store. BUT, only during night we can digest the information, means decompose it into small entities, which will be transported to the specialized brain regions, where each neuron will get its specific piece, and will react accordingly.

At the end, after all neurons have assimilated their food(=pieces of information), inside each brain region, the information will be connected all together. This way, we can store and retrieve on demand this information, as single or as being part of a so-called context, meaning where this information is embedded.

Here is a short resume: During day, we accumulate(=eat) information being conscious, by "understanding"(=chewing) it into small mouthfuls(=portions) and store it, temporarily. Only during night we can update our unconsciousness, which implies the following: we can dissect, transport, update and adapt our brain regions with this knowledge.

This is the reason why, we talk about "living" machines. Because, internally, they have the same structure and self- learning mechanism like a biological creature. Not to forget, that they have a body and the corresponding embedded brain as ANS. So, a certain framework is needed in order to adapt and evolve during life.

What are the basic features of every brain, independent of its level of intelligence? 1st SLM, Self-Learning Mechanism, which enables the accumulation of knowledge (=chewing) 2nd SAM; Self-Associative Memory (=brain region), which stores and retrieves specific knowledge areas. The are indispensable traits for every ANS, Artificial Nervous System.

What about the distribution system from chewing to brain regions? Well, this is also existent, as a pre-defined landscape within the ANS, with direct connectivity between them. This is given at "birth", which means at birth we already have a certain structure and pre-defined genetic knowledge, according to the corresponding species, defined by levels of intelligence and connected body hardware, as sensors, actors and internal organs.

Next time I will write about : What is thinking?


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