Self Induced Stress How Break this Habit
100 tips Stop Pressuring Yourself Unnecessarily

Self Induced Stress How Break this Habit

In this article you will learn the following

-100 tips on How to stop putting pressure on yourself and sabotaging your own life yourself by cutting down and minimizing your self-imposed stress

-9 ways how we create pressure on ourselves - unnecessarily without any basis - through our habits of mind

-9 things which can trigger pressure in your life

?What makes you feel pressurized and who make you feel powerless.

?And under pressure - what you do - how you react or respond.

?If you know your pressure-triggers - both people and situation - then you could have most meaningful life and minimize your stress-levels.

?We also need to be aware of and be able to differentiate between - when we are ourselves creating pressure unnecessarily and when others are creating stress in our lives.

?It is the most important awareness that we can have about ourselves.

?What happens when we are under mental-emotional-physical pressure - to understand this please understand the analogy of squeezing a lemon - what will come out - of-course lemon-juice - why it is what the lemon has.

?5 consequences when you feel pressurized - what comes out when life squeezes you

????I.???????Your pent-up anger

??II.???????Your dormant-hatred

?III.???????Your suppressed-bitterness

?IV.???????Your pain, your shame, your guilt, your regret or your fear

?V.???????Or any outbursts of reactions triggered by your deep-rooted ?insecurities.

?If someone says or does something - that makes you lose your cool - what comes out of you is whatever is inside you which you have been holding and most probably nurturing unknowingly or unconsciously.

It does not matter who does the squeezing - your loved ones, your bosses, your friends, the politicians or people with power and authority or even the government.

?All of us have enough stress as it is in life without aiding to create more of it - but you will find that is exactly what many of us do - by making things harder on yourself unnecessarily.

?This is the focus of this article - understanding and stop adding to your stress yourself.

?You could have gone through hell - but what you keep inside yourself is certainly your choice and your decision.

?You can choose to keep compassion, love, empathy, understanding, generosity, curiosity, laughter and all the powerful positive emotions and things.

?But for this you need to learn - how to take out all negativities which are residing deep within [which you don't want in your life to] and replace these with love and other strong positive emotions - to live a highly meaningful, fulfilling and functional life

?9 things which can trigger pressure in your life [combine these with the 9 reasons of self-imposed pressure] - you can add other examples





5.??Others offending you

6.??Public criticism

7.??People in powerful position asking you to do something that is against your values

8.??Dominating person forcing you to accept and do things that don’t have any role of yours

9.??Making you feel guilty or ashamed or angry or embarrassed

?9 ways how we create pressure on ourselves - unnecessarily without any basis - through our habits of mind

1.??By overthinking

2.??By overanalyzing

3.??By magnifying

4.??By generalizing

5.??By worrying about future

6.??By not able to let go of past regrets

7.??You only think in the worst case scenarios -in all impending events

8.??You are way too concerned about others perceptions of you and what they think of you

9.??By letting your one-off negative experience create the horror story - in your imagination

?100 tips on How to stop putting pressure on yourself and sabotaging your own life yourself by cutting down and minimizing your self-imposed stress - GIVEN RANDOMLY

?1.??????????Reflect objectively - are you emotionally-mentally wired and programed and living a life of perfectionist - as perfectionist can get into doing things much more than what is needed and feel drained and bitter later?

2.??????????Understand that being oriented to high-achievement - is different than being a perfectionist as it does not put any pressure - on the contrary you will feel charged and enthusiastic and full of energy

3.??????????Giving your 100% and doing your best under the situation - can be the best mental-attitude for growth and fulfillment as well as heathier

4.??????????Even if you have made more mistakes than others and failed miserably umpteenth times - it is perfectly alright - just get the lesson and move on

5.??????????Yes focus on improving next time - be on the constant lookout for ways to improve - especially when you do a good-but-not-perfect job - focus on finding the more effective way

6.??????????Spend some time thinking about how you approach stress - in your day to day life

7.??????????8 questions examine your relationship to stress

I.???????????????What were the causes of this particular stressful situation

II.???????????????What triggered the stressful situation

III.???????????????Did you play any part in making this stressful situation

IV.???????????????Could you have done anything differently to avoid it or to have better outcomes

V.???????????????Did you react or respond

VI.???????????????Did you use any technique to reduce the stress-level

VII.???????????????What would do differently - in case you face similar situation again - list as many as you can

VIII.???????????????Did this stressor turned out to be as negative as you thought or it has stimulated a growth trajectory

8.??????????Understand that hard work is ok - but being on the tenterhook 24x7 is not

9.??????????Learn and create a balance between hard-work and smart-work

10.??????Create a balance between quality of your delivery and quantum of delivery

11.??????Never compromise with excellence and quality - but this mindset should be self-inspiring rather than tiring for you

12.??????Draw the line between being excitedly busy and overwhelmed-tense-fatigued?work schedule

13.??????Engage in regular?exercise, sleeping adequately, eating healthy and relaxing

14.??????Spend time with loved ones and nurture your most important relationships

15.??????Manage your energy by taking care of yourself optimally - exhausted people lose momentum and eventually become the so-called losers and under-achievers

16.??????Think practical - focus on taking actions to all that is bothering you

17.??????If you are getting negative thoughts - find out the reasons and the create a plan of actions and then act on that

18.??????Allow yourself to feel all your negative emotions - without living in denial - find ways to deal with them by identifying triggers and creating solutions -

19.??????Face the mirror accept your limitations and weaknesses - as well as strengths and capabilities

20.??????14 Signs when you are under pressure - add your own points


II.???????????????Fast breathing


IV.???????????????Angry outbursts

V.???????????????Getting sick more often

VI.???????????????Feeling depressed

VII.???????????????Unexplained aches and pains

VIII.???????????????Digestive problems constipation

IX.???????????????Work or study performance coming down

X.???????????????Making impulsive decisions

XI.???????????????Withdrawing from others

XII.???????????????Eating too much or too little

XIII.???????????????Sleeping too much or too little

XIV.???????????????Lack of libido, interest and low or no sex drive

21.??????Ask yourself what in the current situation you can control and what you can’t

22.??????Create a solutions by working within your sphere of influence

23.??????Challenge?yourself to figure out each of your problems - the source of these problems -and your desired outcome.

24.??????Make a list of?options?to resolving each problem - Consider the pros and cons of each option - select the one that will help you reach your desired outcome

25.??????Create an action?plan?to follow-through on the solution within a realistic deadline

26.??????Monitor, rack and evaluate?your progress - are you satisfied with the results and progress - If not - go back to your list of options and improvise your action plan

27.??????Create your own list of actions to manage your stress, fears and anxiety

28.??????Take regular breaks - by stretching - having drink of water, walk around or taking a quick walk outdoors and get some fresh air

29.??????Prioritize tasks- organize your daily tasks by order of importance

30.??????Delegate delegate delegate

31.??????Lean to say no to draining requests - if they are low priority

32.??????Ask for help - truly successful people know that they are not omnipotent - and they reach out to?their -when they find themselves in situations which are beyond their area of control

This article was originally published as "100 tips Stop Pressuring Yourself Unnecessarily" - for complete article please visit


