Self-Image + Teamwork + Resilience
The Junto Institute
Emotional intelligence executive coaching and team training.
emotionally intelligent leadership
One of our favorite phrases at The Junto Institute is, "It doesn't matter how emotionally intelligent you are. What matters is how emotionally intelligent you can be."
Studies have shown that emotional intelligence is learnable and that your capacity to become more emotionally intelligent is unlimited.?
Therefore, if you believe you are emotionally intelligent (a self-limiting belief in itself), you have the capacity to grow even further. And of course, if you believe you are not as emotionally intelligent as you'd like, it's ok; you can and will improve with study, effort, and practice.?
emotional intelligence tips
featured building blocks + more tips
image. Your self-image consists of two things: how you see yourself and how others see you. TIP: to build and maintain an accurate self-image, seek out candid feedback from others. Three methods to try: ask people what they want you to start/stop/continue doing; ask for appreciative (past) and constructive (future) feedback; and ask "How am I perceived?"?
resilience. Your emotional resilience is driven by your bias for action. TIP: when faced with a challenging situation, remember that you have the ability to choose your thoughts, actions, and moods. That becomes easier if you create space by breathing, taking a walk, or otherwise calming your nervous system.?
service. Your service orientation is how well you anticipate, recognize, and meet other people's needs. TIP: simply ask someone what their needs are and/or how they are motivated. Two useful models are Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Daniel Pink's intrinsic motivators of autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
teamwork. Leaders who build high-functioning teams practice teamwork themselves, draw team members in, and build an esprit d'corp. TIP: to draw people in, solicit input and feedback consistently, acknowledging that their ideas, questions, and thoughts will be considered (though not perhaps followed) when you make a decision or take action.
Why are the four levels of emotionally intelligent leadership (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management) in the order they are in the graphic above? Because it's essential to increase your ability to lead yourself before leading others.
Know an executive or team that can benefit from emotionally intelligent coaching or training? Reach out to learn more.
your brain + body
According to scientists, your behavior is an outcome of two systems of thinking.?
System one is fast, intuitive, and cannot be turned off. It's when your automatic (reptilian) and emotional brains drive your behavior, and shows up when you do routine tasks, react emotionally, or do things automatically. In other words, you don't have to think.?
System two is the opposite: it's slow, logical, and must be turned on. It's when your thinking brain drives your behavior, managing your automatic and emotional brains. It shows up when you make tough decisions, respond rather than react, or do things intentionally. In other words, you have to think.
A useful practice is to reflect on when your behavior relied on system one (like when you did or said something you regretted), and how differently it might have been if you had turned on system two.