Self-help group and the succes
Story of JABA Begume.
Jaba Begume is a general member of Cheranga Bhumihin Mohila Dal at Kurigrame District. She has two kids and had only homestead land there she is living. Her husband was also a day labour. All day she was busy to manage minimum food and clothes to survive. Maximum day she could not manage food. She was very thoughtful and share with others members that how can she earn more money to survive. One day she prepared a plan and took tk 14000 as a loan from the group and bought two Cows and use it to plough the land. Every day she earned tk. 120 and paid the whole amount to the group as instalement. After 8 months she saved total tk 14000 and sold the cow tk 13500 and again took the loan from group tk 10000/= .She prepared a plan with her husband and took 30000/=tk share from CHARA -A.C. land and bought two goat and a little cow. Now the fishing session is going on, her husband is engage with CHARA and JABA is getting profit from chara (Ox bow lake) every day. Other side she got four baby from her goats and also her cow will going to be a mother. All times JABA is busy with homework and her husband is engage with CHARA as a labour. She prepared a teen shade house and stock paddy for Business. JABA gave me an estimated accounts now she is an owner of tk 35000. Now she is very happy the straw walled house is a true reflection of his poor economic condition. Bad shah was a rickshaw puller in Kurigram municipality area, after a long hard day he could earn tk . 50 to 60. As the rickshaw was rented he had to pay Tk .20 to the rickshaw owner irrespective of his income. So he could take only Tk. 30 to Tk 40. at home which is not sufficient to maintain a six members family. Badshah recalls those days when he could not manage sufficient food for his family and sometimes the whole family had to starve. And when he thought about the weekly instalment, he felt so helpless that he often cried to Allah to save him and show the way for a better future.
It’s a story of self-help group which we have implemented.