Self Evaluation
Chathurie Nupearachchi
Physicist with good vibes while acting multiple roles as a lecturer, researcher, education consultant, STEM activist, writer and speaker
How can I select the ones that I might be really good at even when I like several subjects?
As a school student, I loved science and mathematics as my favourite subjects but I was equally interested in Sinhala, English, Buddhism, social studies, western music and agriculture. From the beginning, I was more attracted to science with a curious mind and that was how I ended up doing advanced level subjects in bio stream. Either in school or university level, there can be many subjects from different areas that any student like to perceive higher studies or seek more knowledge. But your career plays a big role in your future as it can shape your identity, income, lifestyle and many more.
I believe that first and foremost any student must be aware of his/her interests, personality and values from initial self-evaluation. That means you need to identify what you are good at and passionate about in life. Most of the time, these two would not align perfectly in reality. So, you need to know the difference between them. For this purpose, you can investigate about what makes you feel empowered, what are the areas that you are naturally drawn into, what are your hobbies, what others say about yourself, how do you engage your free time etc. by keeping an open mind.
Then you need to check whether you have the needed skills/talents/strengths to evolve in the chosen field with proper education and training. Everybody wants to be good at the things that they are passionate about. In my case, even though I was passionate to become a medical doctor, I could not achieve that because I discovered that my talents did not really thrive in that field.
Once you identify them, you need to check on the competition, availability of jobs, salary scale that should match with your current/future lifestyle. Some students give up their interests in different fields due to many issues and concentrate on one field whereas some students parallelly try to balance each field of his/her interests with multiple roles/income. Hence, trying figure out what do you want in life with multiple interested fields is a tough question that all students ask from themselves at some point in their lives. If you cannot answer that question alone, then it is better to get the help from a relevant party like a counsellor or education consultant or career guidance advisor.
The following link provides 10 ways to figure out what you are good at.