Self Driven Car

Self Driven Car

A Back seat passenger sits back comfortably ...enjoying the passing view without any tensions of driving and road rage. Imagine sitting on this seat 24 hours throughout your life time.  Just like in Life, We get up in the for work...back home....sleep..... And this goes on for years together. The car of life is constantly moving. When we get caught up in our packed schedule we miss out on taking time to look at the bigger picture of our lives. Take out time to view the bigger picture, asking yourselves if you are happy with the travel route your Life's car is on, Make adjustments, and put yourself back in the driver’s seat where you belong. Take responsibility for charting your own travel route in life. When you decide on your road map, you may go in an entirely different direction from the one laid out by expectations of everyone around you. Being on the driver’s seat may be uncomfortable in the short term, but it is worse to imagine living this precious life without ever taking the wheel and navigating your own route in this Car called-LIFE. The purpose of life is not just ...power, but its quality time with your family, sharing, exploring and your own personal growth. When u are driving, you can stop, move and even take u turns.  Go ahead, leave the passenger seat, Take the wheel with confidence, driving the speed you want to go in the direction that is right for you. Think about it.  - Rita Gangwani

Hement Garg

Nothing Special

9 年

Real observations

Sunny Nagpal

Product Manager | Ex-Paytm, Ex-ZS

9 年

Brilliant new view of life , good food for Thought ! Reaching out for the wheel to control the route I take.



Lieut.Dr.Rita Gangwani (Retd) Honored by World Book Of Records.的更多文章

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