Is Self Doubt Holding You Back?
Holly Lewis, MBA
?? Helping Overachievers Redefine Leadership Success | Efficiency Expert | YouMap? Coach??
Does your inner voice like to serve up generous helpings of self-doubt throughout your day? “I must be doing something wrong”, “I don’t know what to do”, “I can’t trust myself around….”, yada yada yada. It’s exhausting and an inefficient use of time and energy.
Have you ever thought about why that brain of yours does this?
I have a couple of theories.
All of this is just something you learned and you can unlearn it. You are a sovereign being who has the answers for how your life is meant to be. You alone know what lights you up and who you want to be.
Don’t let outside influences lead you to believe you are wrong just because it doesn’t fit the norm.?
Take your power back my friend. Listen for your own answers and don’t be afraid to go for it.
You’ve already begun to make changes just by reading this, so why not take the next step and schedule a complimentary coaching call with me? We can move through some specific scenarios where you feel doubt and reprogram how you want to feel instead. Don’t let doubt keep you from a major transformation. Schedule yours?here.