Self Doubt: A Candid Conversation About How To Master Your Inner Game in 3 Simple Moves

Self Doubt: A Candid Conversation About How To Master Your Inner Game in 3 Simple Moves

Imagine a game of chess.

You are playing against self-doubt, a cunning opponent. The audience are holding their breath, expecting a long, drawn-up battle. And suddenly, you look self-doubt straight in the eye and say: "Checkmate!"

The spectators are taken by suprise. You got a checkmate against self-doubt in only three moves.

If there are times self-doubt has been a problem for you, did you play these three moves to overcome this adversary?

The three simple moves are:

  1. Sleep
  2. Decision making
  3. Boosting your confidence

It's all about how you play your inner game. Allow me to elaborate on this concept.

But first, a little back-story.

In 2011, I went from successful private medical practitioner to broke guy. Struggled with clinical depression. And lost confidence in myself.

I remember laying down in bed one night and wondering if I had the ability to lead a normal life.

In that moment, I didn’t think that I could support myself financially. I doubted my ability to thrive financially, emotionally and socially. Oh, I had forgotten to tell you that it’s the same year that problems first arose in my marriage. My wife Suzie, decided to separate from me.

The funny thing is all this self-doubt happened when I was pursuing my clinical psychology studies. I always tell people that it’s weird that at the lowest point in my life, I was a clinical psychology student.

One could be forgiven to question how a once professionally and financially successful medical practitioner, now studying clinical psychology, could lose confidence in themselves. And struggle coping with life.

I am not alone when it comes to moments of toxic self-doubt.

Moments that leave you looking successful and well-put-together to outsiders. But empty and afraid of what the world thinks of you.

You see …

I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately like:

“How do I get rid of the fear of other people's opinions?”

Of course, it’s too much to go into in this short article, but if you’re like most successful people out there who are struggling with hidden insecurities and confidence ...

… I want to introduce you to interest you in this thing called "your inner game".

It’s impossible to succeed in life without a degree of confidence.

Yet there are moments – days, months or even years – when your confidence takes a dip and you become unsure of your ability to tackle challenges.

No one is immune to these moments of insecurity at work or in their private life … but they don’t have to hold you back.

If you are looking to overcome toxic self-doubt and permanently improve your confidence without having to fake-it-until-you-make-it … then being intentional about your inner game is the way to go.

A solid inner game rids your mind of fear and motivates you to healthy mindset habits.

It boosts your confidence via three routes:

  1. Improves the quality of your sleep in only 12 minutes every night. Wake up every morning ready to take on a beautiful day. And confident that there’s no more fatigue to struggle with.
  2. Improves the number of correct decisions made per unit time using a simple 4-way process. Gets you mentally unstuck. And points you in the right direction on how to finally solve the sticky personal or professional challenges in your life today.
  3. Improves your self-confidence and rids your mind of chronic negativity. Gives you the peace of mind that you so much deserve. Makes you re-discover a passion for life.

Struggling with self-doubt?

Improve your inner game today with the three-move checkmate rule: better sleep; careful decision making; embracing a positive outlook to life.


