Self Discipline, Why?
Chapter XV, Enchiridion
Remember that you must behave as at a banquet. Is anything brought round to you? Put out your hand and take a moderate share. Does it pass by you? Do not stop it. Is it not yet come? Do not yearn in desire toward it, but wait till it reaches you. So with regard to children, wife, office, riches; and you will some time or other be worthy to feast with the gods. And if you do not so much as take the things which are set before you, but are able even to forego them, then you will not only be worthy to feast with the gods, but to rule with them also. For, by thus doing, Diogenes and Heraclitus, and others like them, deservedly became divine, and were so recognized.
a. True spiritual development (feast and rule with the Gods) is achieved by the forgoing of children, wife, office and riches. Benedictine or Cisterian monk like discipline. Read the Rules of St. Benedict.
b. Live frugally and with self discipline to increase your spiritual life and live with the Gods.
c. Consistent with not desiring that which is controlled by others. This Epictetus would content increase your happiness by reducing or eliminating your disappointments.
d. Suggests to forgo wealth, riches, status, position even if they are laid before you.
e. Analogy of the banquet, take a modest amount. Control your greed, your base instincts and desires. Increase your self discipline.
f. Analogy of banquet, do not be demanding if food passes you. Thus in life. Let go. Easy going not being driven by avarice.
g.Analogy of banquet, patience to wait for food to come around. Acceptance and patience in life.
h.Diogenes, Greek, a cynic, advocated that poverty was a virtue. Slept in a barrel and begged.
i. Heraclitus, a man never steps in the same river twice. Believer in impermanence of life.