Self Discipline Awareness Attention
Dinesh Kumar
Spiritual Coach. Teach Upanishads & Karma Yoga. Keynote speaker on ancient Indian wisdom. Conduct courses on Upanishads.
Atmiya seeker,?
At the foremost it is informed that this entire program is online and all of its dispensations shall transpire only online .?
The prime objective of the aforesaid program is to make its seekers learn and practice ways to discipline the awareness attention towards one’s ascertained objectives and save the most worthy resource of awareness attention from wandering into unmindful subjects.
The learning and practice of inculcating discipline of awareness attention shall move through a dedicated meditation session navigated by the teacher along with Enotes. This is a monitoring program hence the teacher shall remain in touch with the participants by daily email in order to resolve their queries and intervene wherever necessary.
This is a 120 days monitoring program under which the enrolled seekers shall avail the following. Soon after the enrolment seekers shall receive their confirmation mail within next 48 to 72 hours providing them with the schedule of their monitoring program.
Following are the details of learning and practice resources.
The 40 minute meditation sessions shall be available to seekers at 6AM on the aforementioned days. The recording of the same session shall remain available to seekers for the next 4 hours before going private. In the above light there shall be no provision for making the access available in case the seeker has missed any scheduled session. Access to the missed session shall be made available upon request and as a special case… where the teacher understands the validity of the absence of that particular participant on that/any day of the meditation session.?
The levels of final outcome of this entire program shall depend upon the level of eagerness and practice at the end of seekers respectively.
As a prerequisite arrangement one has to make oneself available according to the given schedule of this monitoring program.?
Write to us at [email protected]
For Enrolment visit this link;
From the desk of the teacher,
Dinesh Kumar