Self-development, 5 reasons to act immediately

Self-development, 5 reasons to act immediately

The moment is now, do not let more time pass by believing that someone else will come to save you, if you are part of an organization that does not bet on your development, it is time for you to take control, many people are frightened by the economic cost that it represents, but I assure you that the investment will more than recover.

Those who participate in Organizations where development is considered a priority are fortunate, but what can we say about those who participate in groups where development is scarce or non-existent?

I regularly review CVs and I realize the degree of preparation and professionalization that exists today in the labor market, we have fierce competition for key positions, a position is posted and in a matter of minutes we have hundreds of people applying, companies have endless candidates to choose from, so only those who have cared about their preparation can aspire to pass this filter.

The employability cycle is very cruel, it is enough to analyze the different stages: The intensive learning stage; between the ages of 23 and 32, a stage of maturity; from 33 to 50 years of age, and a succession preparation stage from 51 onwards.

Next, I will mention the 5 reasons why you should act immediately regarding Your development:

  1. Assign part of your income to your Self-development: You must be aware that everything costs, your self-development is not an exception. Be very intelligent when allocating your expenses, meditate well on the area or assignments in which you see yourself in the future, and each dollar you invest contributes to the final objective.
  2. Analyze the time you have been in your Company: This recommendation carries a certain risk, but the idea is that your development is complemented with a degree of help from the group in which you participate.
  3. Do not lose sight of your employability cycle: Try to adhere as much as possible to the stages that are experienced within a Company. This is how you will be able to optimize your self-development investment.
  4. Read, prepare more: Learn, the internet is a big source of free information that can contribute to your training. Subscribe to online publications, you will receive updates almost daily, it is just a matter of not losing the course that will take you towards the goal you have set for yourself.
  5. Look for a Mentor, in your network of contacts: Look for someone who has the availability to be your Mentor, a person who has the necessary experience and competence and the availability to share it, thus the degree of success will increase.

Finally, it is crucial that you manage your time in such a way that you dedicate a portion of it to your learning, do not fall into the trap of sliding your fingers for hours on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok, believe me, it is the most absurd way of wasting time.

The decision is in your hands, only in your hands.

I hope this article has been to your liking.

Any questions or comments I will be with the best disposition to receive them and give an answer. Remember that I am available on my phone and/or social networks.

?See you soon.

Pablo Gerardo Zayas Blanco

[email protected]

Cel 656 2375686


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