Good Morning, Mike here,
I’ve been doing a daily study on self-confidence, which has been really good for me.
This morning I was reminded of how I began my first professional career as an Air Traffic Controller in the United States Air Force.
As a trainee, I started out in a technical school and learned the rule books first, then I advanced to simulators or labs.
The lab for the Control Tower involved my classmates moving model airplanes around a mockup of an airport while I was in a mockup of a control tower.
The simulator for RADAR was a bit more realistic as I was looking at a screen and seeing computer generated aircraft.
Of course, the voices were familiar as my classmates were ‘flying’ the aircraft in another room.
I learned by doing, by repetition.
When I arrived at my first “real” base, it was much different than what I learned in school.
Those 10 flights of stairs were real. I had to climb them to get to the office or cab of the control tower, Sometimes 3-4 times per day.
These were real airplanes with real pilots and if you made a mistake, you could potentially be responsible for a real crash.
You may be asking, what does all of this have to do with self-confidence. EVERYTHING!
Repetition is the first law of learning and self-confidence is a learned behavior.
Remember your first time behind the wheel of, perhaps the family car?
You probably drive much differently now than that first driving experience.
It’s the same for your journey through life and if you are an aspiring entrepreneur.
This is the reason why I study every day. I’m always learning and moving forward in my knowledge.
I’ve also learned that you can learn a ton, BUT until you apply that knowledge until you grab the microphone and turn the radio to the correct frequency…
…none of the pilots will hear you and you’re not able to do your job as an Air Traffic Controller.
In the ATC world, you have a trainer or a mentor plugged into the radio who can override your mistakes instantly.
You do this for a while until you learn how to ‘drive’ confidently and proficiently by yourself.
I’ll leave you with this thought. Be grateful for where you are right now. No looking back.
That is history and is in your rearview mirror. Keep your eyes on the road in front of you.
Here’s a quote by Russ Terry that inspired me:
“Confidence is gratitude for who you are.”
Until next time,
Stay Strong and Move Forward!