Self-concept is your self-image
One of the things Brian Tracy talks about in maximum achievement is the self-concept. And one of the parts of the self-concept is your self-image.
And your self-image is the way that you see yourself, and the way you think about yourself, as you go about your daily activity.
So what's your self-concept? As a prospector? As a closer, someone asks questions, however, you define yourself in the however you think you are, Oh, I suck.
Then you're, you suck as you do things to increase your self-concept. Then you are changing your self-image.
And when you have a self-image that you're a great closer, that you're good at questions, then you start to look at yourself and think of yourself differently.
And that starts to become reflective to other people and they're drawn to that. And you believe you're good at great questions.
They believe you're good at great questions. So your self-concept is very critical. And one of the parts of your self-concept is your self-image.
Brian Tracy, Maximum achievement.