Who coaches whom?
One key question that often comes up in self-coaching training is, "Who coaches whom?" In other words, who is responsible for guiding and supporting you on your journey to success? Who is the 'SELF' in self-coaching?
To answer this question, we need to return to the creation of self, the Creation of life, the Creation of the Universe, and the Creator thereof.
Life, as an animated force, is a given. No one can create life. We can only work with what we already have. As human beings, we function on four planes: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It is on the universal spiritual plane where we find life. If we are connected, life flows, and we are successful, happy, and flourishing. If we are disconnected, we are blocked, stumped, struggle, and suffer through life. It is from this struggle that we need to escape and be freed. This is what self-coaching is all about.
Perfect soul blueprint encoded as our unique DNA success blueprint
We all have a perfect blueprint of who we are as unique human beings on higher universal planes. This is a universal, spiritual, or soul blueprint that comes from the heart of the Creator of life*. We find the connection between the spiritual soul self and our earthly physical existence in our original DNA blueprint, which is found in every living cell of our bodies. Our unique DNA blueprint is the physical link between the higher spiritual and the lower physical parts of the self.
For more information, see the books on these topics. Books available HERE
The authentic self and DNA blueprint
Our original DNA blueprint contains the codes and keys to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, wealth, success, and happiness. This is our authentic self, which also contains our original unique purpose that only we can fulfill. Authentic self-expression is what makes us happy.
The authentic self is also known as the real self, higher self, better self, soul self, spiritual self, or unique self. This unique, perfect self is connected to the Universe and was meant to be the crown of Creation. The purpose was for humanity to be custodians of Mother Earth and co-create with the universal Force to benefit everything and everyone. ?
Unfortunately, we became disconnected and lost our power and potential. In short, humanity fell from grace. Humanity began to live dis-graced lives of negativity, struggle, poverty, conflict, and destruction. We now live an upside-down life in the shadows of a disconnected shadow ego-self.
Being disconnected
By becoming disconnected from the Source of life, the authentic self, and the truth about who we are and what our purpose is, people as individuals and humanity as a whole began creating their own image of self. This image is built on half-truths, untruths, perceptions, and delusions.
This is the shadow ego-self that is only a mere shadow of who we truly are. The shadow ego-self is a make-believe delusion self we created and is without purpose or direction. The shadow ego-self created a negative world of half-truths, untruths, and delusion that causes conflict, delusion, and destruction on all levels.
The challenge
The challenge is to stop this downward spiral, heal the shadow ego-self, get reconnected, recover and restore the original DNA success blueprint of the authentic self, and create a new quality future of health, wealth, happiness, success, and prosperity that benefits all. This is the aim, purpose, and what self-coaching is all about.
SelF-coaching - a personal journey
Self-coaching is a personal journey of self-discovery on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Self-coaching is a spiritual journey of recovering your original DNA success blueprint. It is all about finding the truth and living an authentic life. The truth will set you free from the discord, delusion, struggle, and suffering of the shadow ego self and the world it created.
It is a delusion in itself to struggle with this delusional reality and problems created by the shadow ego-self and think you can win. The challenge is to let go, rise above this delusion, and create a new, higher-quality reality. It is in this shift that we find peace, health, wealth, happiness, success, and prosperity that benefits all. In the spiritual text, this is referred to as the New Earth. For some, this will be a quantum leap.
Not everyone will want to make the shift or even be able to take the leap. Many are addicted to negativity, struggle, and suffering. Many are going to stay behind.
Inner dialogue and self-talk.
We first talk to ourselves before we talk to others. The main challenge in self-coaching is to be able to discern who is talking. We need to ask, Whose voice is it? Is it the shadow ego-self, or is it the authentic self? Can you discern the different voices, messages, and influences that determine your decision-making processes? Can you coach the shadow ego-self back to health, truth, and reality? This is what self-awareness and self-coaching are all about.
Self-coaching training is important because the quality of our future depends on it. There are several keys that open the doors to self-coaching?
The keys to successful self-coaching
The first step in self-coaching is the awareness that one is part of the universal Creation, Life, and, therefore, the Creator of life on the one hand and a unique individualized being on the other—all at once. This is the first step in awakening from the delusion of the mindless masses.
Here, you need to find answers to the questions: Who am I? Where do I come from? What is my purpose? Where am I going, and why? The authentic self knows the answers to these questions.
The next level of awareness is to understand the four pillars of functioning: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. These four pillars are the cornerstones on which you build your life. If one pillar is missing or underutilized, then there is imbalance and discord, and a discordant, disrupted, even destructive life results. The aim of self-coaching is to restore balance.
Other questions you need to ask are: Who is my shadow ego-self? Where does it come from? Why is it in control of my life? How do I heal and overcome it?
Groups, companies, and organizations have a collective self. This means that growing and developing a company must include self-coaching training for all its people in order to sustain a balance that includes wellness, resilience, progress, and longevity. ?In the process, we need to identify leaders and place authentic, enlightened leaders in decision-making positions. This introduces a whole new approach yo leadership training and development
The main question you must always ask on your self-coaching journey is, Who is in control of my decision-making process? Is it my authentic self? Can I discern the voice and influence of the authentic self? Is it my shadow ego-self? What does the voice of the shadow ego-self sound like?
Discernment includes self-assessment to determine where you stand. The Power Intelligence Success Profile (PISP) was developed as a self-assessment tool to assist you on this path. The PISP is also available for groups, communities, businesses, and organizations that function as connective self-organizations.
The more you get to know about your authentic self is, the more clarity you will develop. Understanding who the authentic self is, where it comes from, and what value system it brings can help you be less confused about your inner talk. A good rule of thumb is that the authentic self comes from a place of honesty, truth, integrity, authenticity, and peace. The shadow ego-self comes from a place of disconnection, fear, struggle, conflict, and delusion. Where you come from – will determine where you are going.
You need to understand that the authentic self leads to health, wealth, happiness, and success. The delusional ego-self leads to discord, imbalance, wellness issues, disease, negativity, and, ultimately, implosion. That's it.
Einstein said, "You cannot bring about change by force- only by understanding."
Once you understand this, you can change the process. Self-coaching is about becoming more conscious and aware and growing in your understanding. See the books available on self-coaching HERE
Humanity, as Homo sapience, is the only living species on Earth with consciousness. We were given free will and the ability to make conscious choices. With this comes responsibility.
Choose what inner voice you will listen to and base your decisions on. Good, informed decisions and guidance from the authentic self take you forward and upward. Bad choices and disinformation from the delusional, shadow ego-self lead to discord, problems, conflict, negativity, and destruction.
Choose to do what is right - not what is easy. Choose to do the right things right.
Once again, we need self-assessment and self-reflection to understand the outcome of our choices and rectify whatever is necessary. This is quite difficult in the beginning. Get an external coach to help you with this process. Make sure that your coach is coming from the right place, or you will run into trouble. Nothing good can come from one shadow ego-self coaching another shadow ego-self.
In this process, you will begin to wake up to the truth. So ask, what is the truth... (in this situation)? Listen.
The question is, what will happen if we do not learn how to coach ourselves mindfully and consciously?
The shadow ego-self is, unfortunately, humanity's default setting. This is why our world is in the state that it is. The result is that the disconnected, delusional, shadow ego-self of individuals, families, groups, communities, religions, businesses, companies, organizations, governments, and especially leaders are left to rule rampantly without any correction or re-adjustment. This is the world of the mindless masses. This is the kind of world we are now awakening from.
The aim of self-coaching is to de-thrown the shadow ego-self, cut its cord of control, heal the pain and delusion, reverse the lies and default programming, and replace the default setting with the connection, power, and potential of the truth of the authentic self. The truth sets you free.
It is a major feat when the shadow ego-self takes a tumble. However, the shadow ego-self will not go out without a fight. You have to stay diligent, conscious, and mindful all the time.
Subscribe to Daily Power Tools for Power People below to get daily suggestions on how to accomplish this victory.
With your newfound understanding, you can navigate yourself through life. We all have an inner GPS that is situated in the frontal lobe of the brain.
This part of the brain connects us with the Universe, the web of life. When we connect, we receive directions, just like the GPS in our vehicles. When we are disconnected, like the shadow self, we get lost. Self-coaching is all about reconnecting to our inner navigation system, our inner GPS.
At the same time, the Pineal Body in the frontal lobe of the brain is light sensitive. When connected, it can change universal light into amino acids, which are the building blocks of our DNA. When we mindfully and consciously reconnect, we also heal our DNA. This is how we restore our original DNA success blueprint. The frontal lobe is also our center of vision. This is where the future lies.
In the process, a new intelligence begins to emerge—Power Intelligence. Power Intelligence is the intelligence of the future and will be discussed in a future article. For more information, see the books on Power Intelligence or the Power Intelligence website. ?
?Various techniques can be used to achieve this reconnection, such as meditation, yoga, martial arts, or even a walk in nature. Courses on how to reactivate the frontal lobe of the brain are available or see a coach who can help you with this. ??
It is important to choose external help, such as a coach, mentor, counselor, or psychologist, with care and discernment. If they don't know about the authentic self versus the shadow ego-self, they can't really help you with your process.
You can find a well-qualified Power Intelligence Coach who has been trained in this information and make an appointment on the Power Intelligence Academy Coaching Platform available HERE ?
The more you repeat this process, the more mindful and aware you become. The better you can distinguish between the authentic self and the shadow ego-self, the better your decision-making process will be, and the better the quality of your life will be.
Daily Power Tools for Power People.
Get your Daily Power Tools for Power People delivered to your inbox. Power Tools contain short daily lessons on how to distinguish between the authentic self versus the shadow ego-self and how to implement it in your daily life. Subscribe HERE
?Daily Power Tools for Power People are also available on the FACEBOOK GROUP. Keepers of the authentic Self. Go to Facebook and ask to be accepted in the Keepers of the Authentic Self Facebook group.
Important links for you to get started.
?Next article: In the next article, we will focus on Self-coaching. Who is the authentic self, and what does success mean?
*Note. The Creator of Life or Creative Force are universal terms. You can use whatever name you have chosen from your perspective, value system, journey, or religion that you find comfortable to identify with - God, Allah, Holy One, Ancient of Days, Elohim, Creator, etc.… This makes this journey a spiritual and religious journey that is special to you.