Self centered "me"
Viivek Verma
We are 21+ years in serving various industries for manpower replenishments.
Education, small rewards, parents virtual push-ups, subordinates polishing, etc makes us live in the world of "me", "my" & "myself". What after retirement? Who will value your "me"? What are you doing for self, family & society today that will give you a respect of life after retirement. All Ego & position arrogance will die as you count above 60.. 61.. 62.. & by 70 the world will forget you. What on Earth are you doing to earn a respect from society, family & friends... Give it a solemn thought. Today you are a 'King" of your position because you believe so; NOT your employer. Today and always you are replaceable. Job is never yours still you believe in a security that was never there. You point one finger to others but 3 are pointing towards you. Know WHY? Simply because you never cared to know what your actual 'value' is in the eyes of the world- 'Self- Image'! Which is not an analysis of self to self but self in the eyes of others. Pseudo-egoism, arrogance, power of position & lack of positive attitude kills every one who has been very successful in profession till retirement. Today, we don't know where are those guys who built some Company or the other on the face of Indian or world map. Today, no one knows their fate...
Would you too like to live a life of Self centered "ME"?
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