Self-Care Why This Could Be Your Greatest Investment
Subhashis Banerji
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In many people's life the Self-Care and Self-Pampering is the lowest priority – especially if they are the Type 2 person [of the Enneagram Personality Profile].
Then there are people who feel guilty – if they indulge in self-care by doing something that they like – they feel as if they are being selfish*.
Many of us, actually wait for others to recognize that – we too need Me-Too time, attention and care [probability of others doing this is very-very less].
If you are stressed more often - than being happy [then one of the reasons could be that your own emotional and other needs are not being met].
Let us clarify 16 mental/emotional frames - which are pre-requisite for taking care of our Self's in the most appropriate ways
1. Self-care is not a One-Time-Deal – it should happen every day TILL it becomes our natural habit
2. Self-care does not have to happen – ONLY after we are done with all our Chores and Responsibilities – in fact the days you are most occupied, you need it most
3. Self-care has to be our No.1 Priority – because, when are at our optimum emotionally, physically, and mentally – only then, we can add real meaningful values to others – especially those we care for and all those who are important to us
4. Self-care is OUR RESPONSIBILITY and nobody else's
5. The more we postpone our own self-care – the more negative issues start manifesting in our lives and we start feeling unfulfilled and overwhelmed
6. Self-care is not about whether or not you can afford it financially [although there are many ways – you can treat yourself, if you have the financial comfort] – in this article we would be focusing more on Non-Financial ways to pamper ourselves
7. Self-care is also – is not about- To-Hell-With-Others and using the resources only on ourselves – putting others in difficult position by splurging all on us
8. Instead – it about balancing Your Needs with Those of Others who are dependent on you
9. We work hard – celebrating time to time is just plain common-sense, we deserve it
10. Life is always going to be full of stressors* – our resilience* develops when we face the tough-times* knowing it is hard-time and that we are going to bounce-back*. This happens only when we make self-care as our priority
11. Self-care is actually replenishing our inner resources* and recharging our inner-power*
12. Although the self-care is about doing what makes you feel good – UNDERSTAND that -not everything that feels good is self-care – at times many of give-in to the temptation for unhealthy coping mechanisms like drugs, alcohol, jumping into multiple sexual relationships etc - The difference between unhealthy coping mechanisms and self-care is that When practiced correctly- Self-care has long-term benefit for our mind, our body, our emotions
13. Self-care is one of the most profound investment that we can make in our life
14. The time spent of Self-care – is never wasted – as it makes it up in the most important areas of our lives in the most powerful ways
15. Not having time for self-care – is a big excuse that give to ourselves
16. Self-care is MOST IMPORTANT and can't be ignored [unless you want it to lead to a great loss] – if you are yourself a car-giver
What self-care is not
1. An excuse to continually be unhealthy and to justify our poor habits
2. Spending excess money on yourself – more than you have[say by spending through loan and credit-card etc]
3. Being Selfish in such a way – that you take away other's entitlement – just to please your senses
Top Benefits of Self Care
1. Better productivity
2. Learning to say NO to things those that are low-priority/detrimental – gives you the resources to focus* the most important ones
3. Improved resistance to disease and Better physical and mental health
4. Handling failures* and set-backs* effectively
5. Enhanced self-esteem, Self-confidence
6. Satisfaction and Peace of Mind*
7. Understanding Self* and Understanding Others* Better
8. Ability to give More
9. Excellence in performance
10. Lower level of stress
11. Bouncing-back* easily to give
Types of Self Care
1. Pampering Our Senses – like Smell, Sight, Hearing, Touch and Taste [this one has to happen - in a healthy balanced-manner] - to calm our mind
2. Emotional – feeling yourself feel what you feel
3. Spiritual – get in touch with your values and what really matters to you
4. Social – connect with other people is necessary for happiness as It helps you to understand that you’re not alone
5. Personal growth – learning, becoming proficient, developing skills, mastering
6. Our Inner-Power – by stretching ourselves beyond our limitations* while enjoying the thrill of challenging ourselves
80 Tips on How to take care of Yourself and Pamper, Indulge Yourself in such a way that it brings-out the best in you as well as others.
1. Ask yourself what you can do for your self-care that most people wouldn’t think of plus which is very thrillingly satisfying to you – without costing much and without harming anyone
2. Stop doing things you hate – don't do anything just because others are doing it
3. Find activities that you look forward to and love doing even at the end of a long and tiring day
4. Experiment with different things/activities/routine that makes you feel come alive
5. Practice introspective self-inquiry – by going within yourself deeply to understand how your stressful thoughts are creating havoc and to see your own irrational thinking
6. Start small – that is how you would ever manage to get into the habit of Self-care
7. Identifying and setting healthy boundaries* around you
8. When changing the situation is truly impossible [at the current moment] - creating small comforts is highly important
9. Having fun – THE KEY MANTRA – for self-care. Forcing yourself to the gym when you are fatigued, is not going to lighten you up – instead, it may do you more harm
10. Stick to the basics* of what comes to your mind to relax - Over time you will find your own rhythm and routine
11. Self-care needs to be pro-actively planned
12. Actively look for opportunities to practice self-care - for full read "Why, What and How of Self-Care" in the Blog Section of Success Unlimited Mantra