Self-care in times of distress: Create your own “self-care toolbox” (here’s a list of 51 self-care options)
Michelle MiJung Kim
Award Winning Author of The Wake Up | Keynote Speaker | LinkedIn Top Voice on Racial Equity | CEO of Awaken
There’s so much talk about self-care these days. It seems like we’re constantly reacting to something terrible happening in the country and across the globe. We are inundated with tragic or disturbing news every day and the intensity seems to be on a steady climb. On top of that, we hold in so much stress and anxiety from our own life experiences.
There is no doubt we need self-care.
So what is (and is not) self-care? Well, well, for all answers about life, we obviously should turn to Audre Lorde:
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” ― Audre Lorde
Here’s what I believe self-care is:
- It’s about refueling ourselves so we can continue our work
- It’s about drawing boundaries so we can stay whole
- It’s about pausing to take a breath so we don’t collapse
- It’s about acknowledging that we’re running a marathon, not a sprint
- It’s about being vulnerable and honest with ourselves so we can allow others to be vulnerable
- It’s about knowing ourselves intimately
- It’s about honoring our struggles and celebrating our being
- It’s about choosing to value ourselves when it feels like no one else is
- It’s about creating space for ourselves so we can create space for others
- It’s about loving ourselves so we can continue to love others
- It’s about healing ourselves so we can heal others
- It’s about giving ourselves permission to feel and pursue joy
- It’s about knowing we are enough. Always
Here’s what I think self-care is NOT:
- It’s not checking out completely ← important!
- It’s not pursuing “guilty pleasures” for the sake of indulging
- It’s not selfish
- It’s not a one-time thing or a prescription for burnout
- It’s not an excuse to become apathetic to others’ suffering
- It’s not the same for everyone
Self-care should be an ongoing practice. For folks doing social justice work, it’s especially important to know when and how to care for ourselves, so we can continue the work.
It’s important to acknowledge that self-care is closely tied to power and privilege — marginalized people have different self-care needs than privileged people. People of color and women of color, queer and trans people, folks with disability go through life experiencing a much higher level of stress and anxiety than their white, hetero, cis, able-bodied counterparts. Marginalized people also do a lot more emotional labor. So excuse me when I give a little side eye to straight cis white men saying they “don’t read the news because it’s too depressing.” But I digress.
So how can we practice self-care?
1. Know when you need self-care
“How do you know when you need self-care?” Sometimes when we realize we need self-care, it’s when we’re already exhausted and beat up. Knowing when you need to turn inward and prioritize yourself is key to actually practicing self-care. This was a great piece of advice from Rich Russo, founder of The Elephant in the Room.
2. Make a list of your self-care options
It’s your “self-care toolbox.” Or a box of “self care chocolates.” Ok, it’s just a list of all the things you can do to care for yourself. Having a list of options readily available is hugely helpful because when you really need self-care, you may not have the capacity to think about what you need. I have a list of 51 things I can do when I’m feeling down or nearing burnout, which I’ve shared below so you can get some ideas.
3. Commit to practicing self-care
Having a list is useless if you don’t actually do them. Once you’ve decided on a few options, commit to doing them. I like to schedule things on my calendar so I remember to practice them, or tell a friend so they can hold me accountable for actually following through. Text your bestie “I’m going to go for a walk tomorrow morning. Make sure I do it!!”
Need inspiration for your self-care toolbox? Here’s my list of 51 self-care options. I first created this list back in March and have been adding to it.
My “Self-Care Toolbox”: 51 things I can do when I need self-care
- Hot shower in the dark with candles lit
- Candle-lit yoga at Yoga to the People
- Cook a healthy meal
- Box
- Outdoors run
- Walk
- Sit at Dolores Park on my favorite bench
- Embarcadero happy place
- Call friends / family (list out the names)
- Hold / play with a baby
- Get an ice cream cone and walk around
- Cry
- Journal
- Write a blog post
- Breathe
- Email Larry
- Remember grandparents
- Go hiking
- Go to Ocean beach
- Hug someone for a while
- Clean
- Meditate
- Listen to Ericka Huggins and remember her wisdom
- Drink tea
- Go to Berkeley
- Go to Barry’s
- Go out and dance
- Go to Kabuki
- Hike the Big C
- Go see mom
- Thank someone
- Read mom’s maternity journal
- Open up memory box and read some cards
- Go to the movie theater
- Eat Korean food
- Make to-do lists
- Read my diary from the past
- Remember Ashok
- Read my list of gratitudes
- Message Steph Lee
- Plan a potluck
- Listen to music
- Go to Stinson beach
- Drive somewhere, anywhere
- Get away for the weekend
- Book a trip to San Diego
- Plan a vacation
- Watch the video of mom talking about Worry Dolls
- Browse old travel photos / videos
- Wander the city
- Date night with bae
Here is a list of additional self-care tips and resources that I found helpful:
- ← So good. Must read.
What are your favorite ways to self-care? Share your list in comments!
Originally posted on Medium & Michelle Kim Consulting
About Michelle Kim
Michelle is an entrepreneur, activist, speaker, and a coach passionate about empowering individuals and organizations to create positive change. She is the co-founder of Awaken and owner of Michelle Kim Consulting.
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Former Field Supervisor, Hofstra University
7 年Great article! I truly appreciated your insights regarding marginalized people and the high degree of stressors that we encounter daily.
Director at HUP
7 年Good information to cause reflection and make changes.
Public Speaking, Diversity, Ethics, Inclusion
7 年Thanks for the tag!
cocreating interracial sisterhood & solidarity in workplaces & communities
7 年Love this message!
cocreating interracial sisterhood & solidarity in workplaces & communities
7 年Great post Michelle! I add one of my favorite self care strategies: celebrating wins. These times are so overwhelming it is difficult to remember that good things are happening. So when they do, really focus on them and celebrate them.