Self Care
This is deliberate and conscious practice of taking care of one's own physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
We mostly attribute self care to luxury, to the wealthy and those that have abundance and excesses of life, just never us.
Realistically speaking, life has so many demands, work, business, side hustles, families. children, bills, community and many others. People also die suddenly. Is it not so sad that so many people leave this world , before they enjoy life? Living in survival mode?There is so much beauty , in each of our current daily lives, that we can stop and enjoy or experience, even as we work towards better.
As it is now, tough economy, job losses, low business turnover and back to school demands, it is possible to forget self. We do not stop to smell the roses.
It is never possible to pour from an empty cup. When we neglect our personal needs and wants, we run out of energy to do life, to work and to be there for our loved ones.
Self care means different things for different people. This week, take some quiet time off and think of nicer and kinder things you can do for yourself. For you only, to enjoy and feel good. Then plan to do it, set a day and time, so that you do it with more intention.
The beginning of a new month offers a beautiful opportunity to make new plans!
September and the next 3 months of the year, are perfect for us all, to do hundreds of small nice things to and for ourselves.