Self Care

Before age 30, these 6 habits will solve 99% of your problems.

1. Take care of your health

You have a life to enjoy

And you have a lot to achieve.

When you're unhealthy it is inconceivable to perform optimally.

√ Work out

√ Eat what you want

√ Get enough sleep

√ Get enough sun

2. Stop giving excuses. No matter how reasonable they are.

You messed.

Maybe you failed.

Maybe you lost everything.

Yes, accept it, learn from it, and don't live in it.

Never do it again.

3. Learn some skills for fun

Some skills like ??

√ Cooking

√ Sharpening knives and axes

√ Driving

√ Swimming

√ Sewing

√ Calculated silence

They may not be for monetary purposes but you should learn them

4. Learn Self-defence

Self-defense is important.

Not because you can fight anyone.

But for yourself, family and moments you can't avoid.

You also become more confident and disciplined.

5. Always tell the truth or stay calm.

Because there is nothing as shameful as being known as a liar

You may get what you want

But it won't last long

No one will ever believe you when it matters

6. Give yourself a chance to grow

You might think you've failed

But you only haven't learned enough

Give yourself a chance to learn, test, and approve all lessons.

Don't quit...


