Self branding - Is it important for you ( Example of : Agile Coach)?

Self branding - Is it important for you ( Example of : Agile Coach)?

I was reading an article on LinkedIn recently and was happy to read this statement: We are brands just like the items you find in supermarkets or companies you work with.

People may gravitate to some brands over others for a variety of reasons- reputation, flashy labels, and cost — to name a few. The key is to create a brand that speaks to the people you want to attract in your career. This line I read 2-3 times, and its actually true. Knowingly or unknowingly, we attract people - who admire us, our work, label us and slowly we start becoming a brand for those activities/actions/roles we perform.

If we further think around some professional - like fitness coaches, lifestyle experts that has been able to craft a brand that help them to attract a string of job and many career opportunities. So, should not it be simple for us too...???

What comes to your mind now?


I have been thinking around the same from couple of years so at least I asked this question what if I am a brand?

but it was tough to understand that relationship as compared with other brands. Like I am working as full-time employee (& I am happy :). I have clear role or Job. I like doing what I am doing so what will be different? Isn't my Company - my brand.

I started to look around the key components and how as an " Agile Coach" I can brand myself. What are the key ingredients and what is MUST have. I am still not there & I have a long way to GO but if I look back - I have started this journey and now taking an opportunity to share my experience. You will frequently see my learnings now. Generally, my self-doubt will stop me to write such posts, but I am interested to share thoughts on employee as brands.

Creating personal brand actually help your company also get lot of creditability. Consultants are generally focused on it. It helps them to grow business as well. It's a win -win for both. Orgs invest in people who knows how to grow themselves. Everyone wants differentiators...

But what is my starting point????

Below are my learnings to begin with and I will be sharing the same with experience and examples in my upcoming sessions - here is the glimpse:

Creating your personal brand?

What do you mean by a brand? An association of a Product with a company like Hero-Cycle, Tata - Tea, Bisleri - Water, Rin - Detergent. very basic example of my childhood memories but that's association of a Brand with the valuable product they serve. So, I want to be in X years where when people will talk about Agile Coaching - I will appear in Search too :) I know it's easy in Social Media world, Paid marketing, getting more opportunities but my way of thinking is simple. BE DIFFERENT or UNIQUE and you will be there one day...

You may be brand, but you may not even know it. But for sure personal branding for any professional role that you perform can take you a leap ahead in your career. Are you Aware? If you are - What are the key things, you do to be active - BRANDS people forget easily if they are no longer valuable.

In the Agile Coach /SM /PO role or any specific roles that revolves around Agile Approach are not always about shifting or moving - It may be many times working as a brand where you are and then excelling in it. In this entire Journey you might loose focus for few months but if you loose the VISION then you will be left behind....

Taking example from my latest professional move from India to Canada - I actually felt like I am loosing focus , I am no longer relevant in the new region and so on.. there are many fears that we all go through. Its OKAY. Okay to acknowledge and then move on.

Last week I acknowledged again that I want my community to remember me :

Agile Coach/Enabler by Profession and Passion

Mentor as a Server that share knowledge to hungry learners with love.

Why these specific words, they have meaning and purpose of my life. My key Ingredients are joy of work, wellness around us, and inclusion.

More importantly when you think about being brand - you should think: Are you Empowered for this work that you have chosen?

Do you have all the foundations & Are you in topX ? I know these are tough choices but when you feel as an Agile Coach you are a brand -

Do you really have all those skills around People, Process, tools, technology and performed foundational roles in the beginning so that you feel empowered as well as you can empower others.

What few things I tried?

I actually made a long list of competencies, techniques and skills needed. I started with learning what top coaches talk about IN COMMON - It was at that time Clean Language, Visual thinking, Game thinking, Product Strategy, Training from back of the room, using collaborative tools, Human system Dynamics and this list keep on growing from 2015 till 2022... & yes that are few top 5 topics that I will share how I am using them in my day to day activities to make my client and teams happy so that I am a brand for them. Whenever Agile Coaching will come to their mind, they will ping me to discuss...

If these questions are your questions. Join me (Ping me to get detail of those sessions) and we will explore together or stay tuned for PART 2..3.... It will be Zoom sessions by invite..

Comment for your queries or msg me. One Promise is Data privacy. I don't put videos on social media nor any of your data. Our learning collaboration is private & you can join anonymous to ask questions. I feel proud my mentees are reaching new heights every day and making them as brand.

What we created as group of SM/Coaches:

So, as I mentioned I will be mentoring few coaches. It is becoming tough to group coach, so we are mostly working 1-1. Gathering information. Here are some common patterns that Agile Coaches follow when they "BRAND" themselves.

  • Rethink: As you jump into the Agile Coach/SM role, you need to rethink the way completely you view your career. Now you are no longer just an employee, but an asset that Value himself/herself the most. There is nothing in Job Title but now it's the ROLE - an authentic role that you are PROUD of because you will bring a different value.
  • Be authentic. Be honest about who you are — your attributes and qualities. If you know yourself, you can promote an honest brand. In my experience this is a robust workshop that you should Do often. Every time you try to write more, you know yourself more. As Nagini mentioned: "Only when you are confident and clear about yourself and your self-worth you can brand yourself in the right way, but it’s you who has to benchmark how you want to be perceived by others while you are still being true to your inner self and love doing what you show case as your personal brand."
  • Learn from the big brands. Identify what makes you distinctive from the competition. What have you done recently to make yourself stand out? What would your colleagues or your customers say is your greatest strength? Even if the project is failure, write about it. I am sure, you will not be able to publish everything but when you will retrospect in near term, you will learn a lot. In my recent experience, I actually faced so many challenges but when I started writing about them, I experienced they are very useful learnings.
  • Visibility: Your CV or Profile is now continuously getting update. You need to build your strong profile (internally and externally). Few ways to do this now - believe me its never too late is do networking, signing up for high-profile agile programs like business agility, scrum alliance, agile alliance, wicked agility, Lean Change Management and so on... showcasing your skills in presentations or workshops, Join or run Open space, writing for internal or external publications, volunteering for committees or panel discussions at a conference. Everything is important. ALL THESE ARE MUST HAVE & NOT SHOULD HAVE. You will thank me for this tip. Any doubt pings me.
  • Learn to influence, I learnt this with most difficulty and still my weakest area. Use your personal power, your role and your network. But use them sensitively and intelligently, or else you will not be regarded as a credible or trustworthy leader.
  • Persistence or Sustainable pace is the Key - Nothing in Agile Coaching is 2-3 or days or even 2-3 months effort, its years of effort. Ensure that your message is consistent to yourself and outside. Everything you do — and choose not to do — contributes to your personal brand, from the way you talk on the phone to the way you behave at meetings or write emails or write on social media.
  • Actions speak louder than words. Don’t forget that the way you do things is often as important as what you do. Do you speak succinctly? Do you command attention? Do you look the part?
  • Network. Your friends, colleagues, clients, and customers are an important for your brand. What is said about you will determine the value of you as BRAND. Network with them and seek feedback. Use formal methods such as 360 feedback or informally, by asking people around you for honest and constructive feedback on your performance. Give an interview and you will get feedback :)
  • Relentless Check for Improvement: Keep checking what motivates you. What’s your personal definition of success? Write yourself a personal statement about why you work and check it regularly. I underestimated the power to reassess in many instances, but this ultimately helped me the most.

No matter whether you are working for a corporate or independent it’s your personal branding that makes you reach your dreams. Any question on how you should take step. Journal your thoughts with above points and write your doubts to me. I am sure together we can grow. Write to me at [email protected] for fast reply.

Only when you are confident and clear about yourself and your self worth you can brand your self in the right way, but it’s you who has to benchmark how you want to be perceived by others while you are still being true to your inner self and love doing what you show case as your personal brand. No matter whether you are working for a corporate or independent it’s your personal branding that makes you reach your dreams


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