Justin Brienesse
On a mission to increase emotional connectivity in our Communities! Through guiding others to better understand themselves and others ??????????
Self-belief has been an important aspect of my personal development journey, which is the next stage after I have learned how to validate myself internally.?
As self-validation, self-belief, self-confidence, and self-worth are layers or tools to building my understanding of self.?
First I must be able to validate my thoughts and emotions within myself, then I must be able to build my belief that I have the ability to achieve all that I set my mind to and the belief that I am someone of worth and value.?
The next stage is to use my self-belief to build up my self-confidence, as without self-belief any work I do on building self-confidence with have no meaning or lasting effect in my life.?
Finally, I need to use a combination of self-validation, self-belief, and self-confidence to build my self-worth. Do you see how they are all layers of the construction of my idea of who I am or my idea of self??
When we think in terms of self-development, just like a workout regime we must build up each layer of ourselves, as for me personally I have was shown the backward way of doing this.?
First I tried to build my self-worth, then I tried to build my self-confidence, then my self-belief, and finally I learned about self-validation.?
In taking this approach it took me years to see or even feel any results, as I was validating my worth based on others' opinions, so if they agreed with me I would feel worthy, but once they ceased to validate me I would lose everything I had gained.?
Without self-belief, it is impossible to build self-confidence as confidence is a reflection of certainty and without belief in myself.?
How could I ever be confident in my ability to show up at a high level consistently, if I was having a good day I would feel confident and once one small thing happened like a negative remark Boom!?
All that confidence was drained right out of me when I understood that my idea of self was built from layers of foundations one on top of another.?
Then I was able to build an unshakable foundation of who I am, one that had the ability to validate and believe myself.?
Someone who had 100% confidence in my ability to show up in every situation exactly as the person I wanted to be, someone of worth whose word meant something to them, and someone who when they say they will do something they follow through with their actions.
In this workshop, I will cover in-depth the second stage of building my foundation of self, which is self-belief and I go in-depth into an introduction to self-belief, what is self-belief, my thesis on self-belief, what I have found through my experience, how I build self-belief, my process of using self-belief to achieve my goals and then self-belief wrap up.?
I will also have some actionable activities that I personally use to not only build self-belief within myself but also how I use self-belief in my life to succeed in everything I do.?
My goal with this workshop is to build upon the foundation of the self-validation workshop to expand your knowledge into building the fire within you.?
To understand self-belief we must first have the ability to validate ourselves internally, regardless of what our external environment says or those around us.?
As in life all truth, meaning, and belief only ever exist within our mind and there is no such thing as objective truth there is only ever subjective truth.?
Even in science, everything is based on probable outcomes not on a certain A = B every time solution, in life anyone who tells you that there is certainty in life is lying.?
For example, people will usually say that in life death is certain, though once someone finds a way to stop aging or download our brain into a computer this will not be the case.?
In life certain only ever exist until someone proves it wrong or false, so we must shift our thinking away from set facts of A = B to maybe A = B or maybe A = C.?
The other thing to understand is the power of belief, in leading science in medicine and the understanding of consciousness we are seeing that the influence of belief correlates to outcomes.?
Show a direct link to if I believe things are helping me I gain positive results and if I think those same things are hurting me I gain negative results.?
The variables are the same, it’s just the influence of our thoughts and beliefs on our minds and bodies' ability to respond to those same situations.???
Introduction To Self-Belief?
Self-belief is created within us much like how we create our beliefs in life, think of a belief as a thought in habit so a thought pattern we think of repetitively.?
The key to self-belief is these are the internal thoughts we have about ourselves consistently, which then shape how we internally view ourselves and are the basis for our confidence.?
Belief is a funny thing as the common adage is that seeing is believing, though in reality belief always comes before action and is the foundation for what we view as being possible in life.?
For me personally in my younger years, my self-belief was non-existent as I had no understanding of self-validation, my self-confidence was rooted in my “ skills, abilities and my external appearance” and my self-worth was never there.?
This was a result of many aspects of my childhood, which led me to believe that who I was, was never good enough and solely because I chose to believe others' opinions of who I was over how I felt about myself.?
Like David Goggins says “My foundation was cracked” Throughout many situations in my life I was led to believe that I wasn’t good enough.?
I was told by teachers in school that I was dumb, that I should expect to work minimum wage jobs and not aspire to be anything more than a janitor.?
While this led me to leave school after I was 14 years old, it also left me with a belief that I was stupid, that I couldn’t learn, that I should just work low-paying jobs and be happy with that life.?
The thing I realized as I grew up was there is a big difference between experience and intellect, for many years I lived with a belief that I was stupid and never applied myself to learning.?
The thing was I was never stupid, I struggled in school because of my learning disabilities, which are not in fact disabilities they just meant I like many kids learnt differently from the majority of kids.?
So for example I have high ADHD, until a couple of years ago I never knew I had dyslexia, so for me focusing on anything I did not see value in was nonexistent and for me, I struggle with reading and speaking at the same time.?
My brain just does not operate effectively that way, as with dyslexia if I don’t focus a high amount of focus onto the words on the page my brain will add words that sound more logical to me in there.?
This made me have a very hard time reading aloud in front of the class, which my teacher always took pleasure in reminding me that I was stupid and this led me to have less self-belief.?
A key thing to understand is throughout my schooling years it wasn’t that I didn’t understand things, it was that my way of understanding and remembering was different, between the ages of 6-18 years old when children are constructing their understanding of the world, society, life and their place in those structures.?
It is in this time period that our minds are being molded by experience, information, and feedback from our external environment.?
These are the fundamental development years, where we all create our self-identity, so a good practice to do is to look back on when you were between 12-18 years old and review different experiences to see how they shaped your idea of self.
What Is Belief
To understand what is belief we must first understand how belief is created, beliefs are thought patterns that are repetitively thought and through this process, the neural pathways in our brain are strengthened to such a degree that they become habitual thoughts.?
Which over time become the strongest pathways for thoughts to travel, when I think in terms of negativity I am strengthening that pathway for my thoughts to travel down.?
This makes it more comfortable for my mind to think in negative terms or if we understand thought as energy this means that my brain requires less energy to think negatively than positively.?
So understanding that our mind or brain seeks to act within habits, as to do so requires less energy, and our thoughts travel at a faster timeframe.?
I can devise that whatever I think of more predominantly will become my brain's optimum way of thinking as my mind does not view thoughts in terms of positive or negative.?
It understands thoughts in terms of energy transferring, as this is how my brain operates sending electrical impulses back and forth sending information or thought through energy.?
So when I understand this I am able to see my mind for what it is, I am also able to understand that the context of my thoughts does not influence my brain's operating directive.?
But what matters more is how I consciously direct my brain in it’s approach to thinking, for I can control the language used in thought and I can focus on the intention behind my thoughts.?
For example, if I understand that situations are just situations that which there is no inherent good or bad in life then I can be presented with the same situation and have two completely different outcomes.?
As perspective is just how I frame the meaning of anything, if I think of it as positive my mind will release positive chemicals, and if I think of it negatively my mind will release negative or stressor chemicals.?
Think of our brain as the hardware and our thoughts as the software, though with metaphysics I have the ability to change my brain through my thoughts alone.?
This is a very exciting aspect of leading science into how our thoughts, mind, and body work while my thoughts can influence my mind and body the same can be said for my body's influence on my mind.?
So if I repeat to myself every day “ I am happy, I am peaceful, I feel love” what I am doing is strengthening the pathways for I am happy, I am peaceful, I feel love and this leads to when I think of happy my thought process is I am happy.?
As we are strengthening our trigged response, a good way to understand this is making a coffee, as because most people have done this for years they will have a specific behavioral habit to how they make a coffee.?
For example, I first start boiling the kettle, then I prepare a cup, then I grab a spoon, next, I take a spoon of coffee, then I add three spoons of sugar, next I pour hot water in, then I stir my coffee and finally I pour some cold water to cool it.?
Now because I follow that process every time I make a coffee it is to me the way to make a coffee, if I miss a step something will feel off, but more to that if I wanted to make it a different way it would require more thought.?
As with my habit, I have a sequence of movements that flows, to the point I know in each moment where I need to be and what I need to do without thought.?
To me this process feels natural, when I watch someone else make a coffee with a different method, it doesn’t make sense to me and it seems less efficient to me.?
The reason for this is our minds work on conserving energy or effort, while every way to make a coffee is roughly the same time frame and because I have followed my process for so long.?
I genuinely believe that it is easier, as does every other person feel the same experience with their process and this is how our thoughts build in our mind to become beliefs.?
Does that make sense, because we think in certain patterns over a timeframe our thought patterns become thought habits, our thought habits become our beliefs, and when they are our beliefs they are just natural to us like breathing does.
What Is Self-Belief?
So if I understand belief as being simply my thoughts which I think habitually, then my self-belief is just how I think of myself day in and day out and the habit of the language I use when thinking of myself.?
To understand this deeper I must focus on taking control of the language patterns I use when describing myself in relation to anything I am doing and by becoming aware of the language I use I can now identify negative or self-limiting language I may be using.?
For example, if I am learning a skill I have zero understanding of, well I know it is going to be difficult for me to learn that new skill, and I will most likely have a steep learning curve while I am trying to understand it.?
So I am able to focus my language around this will be hard, I will get it wrong a lot but that ok, it is part of the process for me to understand new things, and if I put the effort in to learn.?
I will learn everything about it in the long run, failure only ever exists in short-term thinking, and when I focus on understanding something instead of trying to learn it.?
The task becomes much easier as I cannot learn anything if I first don’t understand it, as it is only through understanding something that I can conceptually think of it.?
Take accounting for an example, if I cannot conceptually think about how different accounting principles and theories influence each other.?
Just trying to learn cost accounting practices or management accounting practices will be very difficult to understand as I won’t fully comprehend how each aspect of the learning is influencing each of the guiding principles.?
Just the same if I do not understand how to validate my thoughts and beliefs internally I won’t truly understand how self-validation influences the effectiveness of building self-belief.?
See to build belief in one’s self we must know how to create and value our internal opinions over our external environment or the opinions of others.?
This is important because to the level we can believe that what we think must hold more weight to us than what others think of us.?
Has a direct correlation to how effectively I can build my self-belief, as if I believe that I can learn a new skill and those around me tell me that I can’t do it.?
Well if I value their opinion over my own, then I will always listen to them which will result in me giving up before I truly put all my effort into learning that skill and this will result in my external environment having control over my abilities.?
But if I value my opinion of if I can learn that skill at the highest level, well then it doesn’t matter what others think, I will always choose to give it everything I have before giving up and this will result in me always remaining in control of my abilities.?
See we must be able to validate our self-belief internally regardless of what others may say, otherwise, we will be always swayed by what others say and never truly apply ourselves or give it our all in life.?
So essentially for us to build self-belief we must value ourselves over all other opinions, this is why we must understand the importance of self-validation so that when creating our foundation of self-belief we can root it so deep in our idea of self that no other can shake it or break it.
My Thesis On Self-Belief?
Throughout my younger years, self-belief was always something I struggled with as I was always trying to root my belief in past achievements and my skills or abilities.?
See the problem with that like most aspects of our idea of self it doesn’t exist, belief is just thought in repetition.?
This means that in any moment of life, I can change the belief I have in myself by simply changing the way I think about myself.?
However, I must always remember that with belief it doesn’t matter what others say or think about me as the number one factor is what I think of myself.?
When we understand this we unlock the power of our mind, as if I wish to hold any belief in myself all I need to do is choose to believe that I am that person.?
As the self-development story goes act as if, speak as if, take the actions needed and you will receive the results you seek.?
To understand this deeper we must understand the power of our minds, if I believe my actions will result in success, if I speak as if I have already achieved the results I seek, and if I consistently take actions towards my goal the result can never be anything but success.?
For in life, the only way to truly fail is to quit, to throw in the towel, give up anything less than completely quitting and I am still in the game.?
See failure does not exist outside of our mind, it’s purely a psychological construct a fear of what could be and it can only ever exist it you allow it to.?
So if I understand failure doesn’t exist, then self-belief in everything I do should be a given right?
Well no, to put it simply fear will always be there in the back of your mind eroding your self-belief slowly over time, and to counter that erosion we must consistently be building our self-belief back up.?
But when we validate ourselves internally, building our belief on a solid foundation that self-belief can endure any amount of self-doubt as we understand that fear is not real just a figment of our imagination.?
See that's the thing about belief it’s simply a choice to believe I can do this, regardless of any negative thoughts because if I build those positive pathways for my thoughts to travel on.?
My mind will always see to take the easiest pathway for my thoughts so the more I reinforce my positive self-belief the harder it is for that doubt to seep in and take root in my mind.?
So by understanding the more I choose to believe in myself the stronger my belief will grow and if I ignore my self-doubt the harder it will be for it to take root in my mind.?
I personally like to build a desert of positivity in my mind, where only positive thoughts are able to survive, and if negative thoughts come along and start to grow.?
Well unfortunately in my mind only positivity grows regardless of its size, negativity requires too much water for my desert and my thoughts are like the rain.?
So even if I give some thought to that negativity for a minute, the positive plants' roots go too far and too deep so deep they suck the life out of any negativity.?
That is the thing with our minds, in life, we cannot stop the negativity from being introduced into our minds, but we can empower the positive to always take over every thought that grows in our minds.
What I Have Found Through My Experience?
Along my journey to developing self-belief within myself, I have studied many different experts and tried many different techniques for building self-belief.?
What I’ve found is that most people confuse self-belief with self-confidence, for me building my self-belief only came after I understood how to validate how I viewed myself internally.?
As while I was listening to motivational speeches, it always sounded good while I was listening to them and as I would go back to my day everything I believed would revert back to what it had been.?
Because I was so focused on my external environment, what others thought of me and I was building my beliefs based on how well I could perform different tasks.?
For example, when I was working I would always focus on my performance to build my self-belief during the day, outside of work I was always focused on how successful I looked to others and I always feared people seeing my shortcomings in my personal life.?
It’s funny to me now how afraid I was of other’s opinions about me, always thinking negatively about what they thought of me, because of how I internally thought of myself.?
You see, self-belief-like beliefs are just the ingrained thought patterns I would think on a regular basis and when I had low self-worth I was always thinking others thought that way about me.?
Because I was always focused on my flaws, I would assume that others were always seeing my flaws, and in relationships, I would always push my partners away with my negative views of myself.?
Just to the same because I thought so low of myself, I would always subconsciously signal people to treat me poorly and I could never see how my thoughts were manifesting in my reality.?
Seeing how we view ourselves in life will always become a self-fulfilling prophecy as part of our communication with others happens subconsciously.?
If I think negatively about myself I will manifest negative interactions in my life through other people and If I think positively I will manifest positive interactions into my life through others.?
The reason for this is quite simple, it is because 80% of our communication is based on body language, tonality, and language used so when I think negatively I will broadcast how I view myself to those I’m communicating with.?
While they may not pick up on it consciously, subconsciously they will receive those signals and their subconscious mind will influence them through their behaviors.?
For example, sometimes while talking to others I am able to sense their emotional state of mind, when someone is desperate the body language, tonality, and language broadcast their intention.?
So if they need something how they communicate will be very clear that they want something from me, while they may not directly ask me and beat around the bush I can feel their need for something.?
Which because they aren’t directly asking me, but their body language is screaming to me they want something I feel uncomfortable and feel that they are being disingenuous with me.?
So I feel uncomfortable around them, you see the reason for this is my conscious mind is listening to what they are saying and my subconscious mind is observing their body language, facial expressions, and tonality while speaking to me.?
My conscious mind understands language and logic, while my subconscious mind understands emotions and feelings.?
So when I get an off feeling from someone's body language, my subconscious communicates that to me through feeling, and because my subconscious doesn’t understand logic usually that feeling can be irrational.?
If the person had asked me directly I may have helped them, now I feel like they are trying to use or manipulate me, when in truth that may not have been their intention to do so.?
Now when we understand this there are some people in this world who are predators, seeking to use people who are emotionally unstable or have low self-belief or low self-worth.?
So when they pick these signals up from others, they will look to exploit that person or manipulate them and this is where we all must be careful in life.?
As to these people lack of self-belief is like blood in the water is to a shark, when they smell it they will start circling around you or me trying to misdirect and confuse us to maximise their chances of success.?
But when we understand how to build self-belief internally we are in full control of our emotional states, as we can build it at will within ourselves at any moment through positive thoughts about ourselves.?
A key aspect of self-development I have found is the more I can keep my inner mind protected from other’s opinions, the more grounded and centered I feel within myself.
How I Build Self-Belief Within Myself?
So when I understand that my self-belief is developed from my thoughts of how I view myself on repeat I am able to focus in on curating the internal conversations I have with myself.?
For if I repeat that I can do something again and again over a long enough time span my belief about myself will change.?
The key to understanding this is to understand how my mind works in relation to conditioned beliefs, that through the repetition of a set language pattern, I am rewiring my synaptic pathways.?
This results in those language patterns firing quicker and easier than any other thought patterns.?
I have personally used this process in my life to redirect the way I viewed myself especially when it came to building my self-belief and the resulting effect is the shift in my mindset.?
In my life, I have always sought the discomfort of doing things I have zero understanding of because I personally love the feeling of achievement I get.
When I truly understand something new and the feeling of insecurity I have when I have to figure things out on my own.?
For me my favorite thing to do in life is to jump head first into unknown waters, to leap into the fray with only myself to get me out, the feeling of fear is something that drives me to excel in everything I do.?
Now this is not the fear of failure that drives me, but the fear of not knowing the path ahead having to tread lightly through uncharted terrain as my senses are lit up when I am in this state.?
I am a wanderer, someone who seeks the unknown, this is where I feel at home, this is where I feel safe to be completely alone figuring out my way.?
See in life I have limited myself so much by what others say, as my desire for personal success led me to believe that others knew the way.?
So I would follow what they would say to gain in life, but I could never see how it was affecting my belief, my belief in myself and this is where the self-doubt would creep in.?
Even now I struggle with self-doubt as we all do when facing new tasks, I don’t want to look stupid, and I don’t want to fail, but all it takes is that momentary thought, that what if I could find my own way out of this hell??
See to me learning is hell, I struggle to understand until one day it just starts to make sense and self-belief is like that it’s a daily struggle of not feeling good enough.?
When I am doing something I don’t understand I feel like life doesn’t make sense, self-doubt weeds its way into other parts of my life and like a weed, if you leave it unchecked it will take over the garden of your mind.?
So when building self-belief it all starts with a thought, a thought of I can do this, I can achieve, whatever it is and it’s through focus that my belief grows.?
Think of belief like a plant, a thought is the seed, our feelings are water and our focus is the sunlight.?
If I plant that thought of belief in myself, I want it to grow so I must focus on feeling that I can achieve and focus on my thoughts about myself.?
For if I let the negative thoughts in and I feel those negative thoughts they will grow and take over my mind.?
But to the same, if I refuse to water negativity and focus all of my attention on the positive then that is what will grow.?
See our mind is like this what thoughts we focus on, are the thoughts we create into reality, the more we focus on our positive self-image the more our self-image will grow and if we choose to ignore the negativity around us then it will never take root within us.?
For me, the important thing to remember when building self-belief is it is a continuous process that I can neither fail nor succeed at once and that in every moment of life, I must remain aware of it.?
That should I choose to focus on self-doubt, self-doubt will grow within me and if I focus on self-belief, self-belief will grow within me.?
Neither is stronger than the others, the strength is found in my focused attention and my belief in what is possible in life.?
When I start to feel insecurity within myself I must reaffirm my belief in myself, the funny thing is our mind is like a muscle.?
The more I reaffirm myself in moments of insecurity the easier it becomes and after a while, that action becomes muscle memory just a reaction to that thought.
How I Use Self-Validation To Improve My Self-Belief
When I see the influence self-validation has on how I build up my self-belief I can now start to understand how they build upon each other.?
As for me learning the importance of anchoring how I think about myself internally opposed to externally, allows me to now choose very carefully the way I veiw myself and focus on amplifying the thought patterns that empower me throughout my day.?
See when I understand that while trying to validate myself externally I will always be a slave to my external results, how can I do something I have no previous experience in??
It becomes very difficult to operate effectively, as I am measuring every result or response that I am receiving against how others have performed previously.?
To understand this deeper I must look at how we collectively learn as human beings, there are four primary stages of learning ( Unconscious Incompetence, Conscious Incompetence, Conscious Competence, and Unconscious Competence).?
While we all go through this process when learning, for some reason I find it hard to consciously remind myself this is the process of learning and self-doubt will always find its way in.?
The reason this happens is always derived from my ego, as like most I have developed through social conditioning an adverse reaction to perceived failure.?
Though to be able to simply remind myself this is the process of learning I am able to alleviate those fear and progress forward in my actions.?
This is because my mind likes to play tricks on me, just like most other minds do, see when it comes to learning or being in the unknown areas of my life.?
Like most, my ego likes to play tricks on me where it will focus on the failures and the loss, it beings to spaz out and allow self-doubt in.?
Now normally there are two ways to overcome this the first is to have others encourage and support me through the early stages of learning.?
This is why we find it easier to learn new things from others who have been through the process before and why as a species we perform at a higher level in teams or groups.?
The second way of overcoming this is to take the process inside, to validate internally the stage of learning I am in and what activities I need to do to progress further.?
The same is true for building self-belief in the early stages. It is more focused on just believing that this is achievable and that through repetition of the thoughts of belief, I am building self-belief.?
See that is the secret when it comes to belief in general, it is a process that has a choice as the catalyst and by deciding to believe in myself all I must do is commit to that belief.?
The result of my choice to believe in myself is the first step to creating self-belief, the second step is to condition my self-belief through repetitive thoughts and the final steps are based on how I measure my progress toward achieving the goals I believe I can achieve.?
With this process, I am able to not only take full ownership of the activities that build my self-belief, but I am also able to create the rules of the game and to create conditions where I am able to excel in achieving my goal of self-belief.?
See when I try to play by other people's rules, I must always validate myself against them externally and I give away my power of self-determination.?
This will always lead me to confine myself to any limitations that were set by them and also requires that I constantly measure myself against their metrics for success.?
Whereas when I choose to create my own version of success I can only measure myself against myself, which will lead me to feeling more empowered in my activities and allow me the freedom to measure my goals in a way that serves my best interest.
My Process Of Using Self-Belief In Achieving My Goals?
Using my self-belief along with self-validation allows me personally to set my goals, structure the steps to achieve my goals, and eliminate any self-doubt that may arise within me while trying to achieve my goals.?
Because it is human nature to have self-doubt when I am trying to learn or do something I have never done before and the key I’ve found to achieving any goal I set out to accomplish is persistence.?
When I am able to continually build my self-belief up every time I start to get those thoughts of doubt, what I am actually doing is reinforcing positive thought patterns in response to limiting or negative beliefs.?
What this does over time is condition new pathways within my conscious and subconscious mind to develop new ways of dealing with fear or self-doubt.?
The result of this over time is my natural response to adversity becomes the response of I can do this and limits the amount of self-doubt I will feel in the future.?
As if every time self-doubt comes up I am to consciously redirect my thoughts, I am able to now condition in new behavioural patterns and meaning to those thoughts of self-doubt.?
This gives me the control to take any disempowered state of mind and redirect it to an empowered state of mind where I feel in control of the situation.?
By doing this simple practice I am able to not only take control of my thought patterns but also take control of my emotional states and biochemical responses.?
So instead of feeling self-doubt and putting myself in a reactionary state, I feed that doubt with my conscious thoughts by worrying and thinking about the worst-case scenarios.?
I am able to remain in a proactive state of mind where I am able to think clearly, problem-solve solutions and identify ways out of my current situation.?
But I am able to see the opportunities for growth in this situation, I am able to instead of falling into a narrow fear mindset.?
I can remain in a calm empowered mindset where I can increase my situational awareness, allowing me to not only see the big picture of the situation but also to see new creative paths to my goal.?
When I am able to reinforce my self-belief moment to moment, I have the ability to determine the right response to any situation presented and remain focused on my end goal.?
Rather than focusing on each problem or self-doubt as it presents itself, it gives me a higher perspective on when to take short-term losses in pursuit of my long-term gain.?
For example, in business, if I have an amazing idea for a business or product to launch, at the moment that the idea is conceived I am in a comfortable and empowered state.?
So I am able to see the long-term vision of my goal, I am able to plan the steps towards my goal with clarity and identify new creative ways to achieve that goal whatever it may be.?
But as I start pursuing my goals, as I start taking those steps of action towards my goal it is guaranteed that I will start facing adversity and challenges.?
As I start facing those challenges or that I may not be seeing the immediate result I had hoped for, I start to build self-doubt maybe, this isn’t the right path, maybe I don’t have the skills to achieve this goal and I will naturally start slipping into a disempowered state deepening with each setback.?
This is a natural process of learning or goal achievement as how could I possibly understand all the small challenges and setbacks if I have never done this before??
The thing is if I am unable to address my thoughts, and my emotional states and reinforce my self-belief over time this will start to erode my self-confidence in my abilities.?
But also this will start to cloud my judgment through building fear of failure and increasing my doubt in each step I am taking towards my goal.?
Every time I question myself or my plans to achieve my goal, I will naturally become less certain in my decisions, which over time will lead me to become more indecisive and it will promote a higher level of indecision in each step.?
Because when I am in a reactionary state of mind I am just reacting to each step and each challenge presented without context of the overall goal.?
This will always lead me to focus on solving the most obvious problems or looking for solutions to problems that don’t exist and this will always lead me to seek out as many paths forward as possible.?
But when I am in a fear response mode I am not thinking through logic or I am only focusing on a small aspect of the overall problem.?
This is why I must seek to instead of feeding the fear mindset focus on remaining certain or confident in the path to my goal and reframe from limiting my vision.?
For example, if I am lost in the wilderness it is easy for me to become hyper-focused on trying to find my way back to the direction I came from.?
However, if I am unaware of the direction that I have been traveling, it is easy to become narrow-minded to just have to focus on finding something I recognize.?
Rather than trying to identify where I currently am, see if I am able to identify the general direction I have been traveling in and the rough time I’ve been walking for.?
With some level of certainty, I can guess the general area I am in, if I have a map I can work my way back using a compass or identifying which are the directions of travel ( North East, South, and West).?
If I panic in trying to find a specific location based on memory, I may become more lost or more disorientated in my positioning.?
See it’s easy to think clearly When you are calm, as when we are in a calm state we are operating from our left hemisphere and when we become fearful or reactionary we operate from our right hemisphere.?
Our left hemisphere has (the logic and reasoning cores of our mind) and the right hemisphere has (our survival instincts our emotions and our fears).?
When we fall into reacting we are in our right hemisphere which means our ability to process information, to think clearly and to use reasoning all goes out the window.?
Because our right hemisphere doesn’t understand these aspects of our thought process, the job of our right hemisphere is when a danger is presented to us.?
We identify the closest or most prevalent danger and move away from it avoiding any other danger that presents itself.?
This is why when we fall into a reactionary state or a disempowered state of mind we make lower-quality decisions and we exaggerate the potential for negative outcomes.?
Because our mind has evolved over millions of years we go into these states to move away as fast as possible and become hypersensitive to any danger once triggered.?
As this will help us in a true survival situation, where we need to either flee from danger or fight back against any danger and have the ability in nanoseconds to perceive new threats or risks.?
In our day-to-day life though we tend to trigger these responses without knowing and if we don’t understand how to reset our minds it’s easy to get caught up in the reactive state of mind.??
This is why being able to validate my self-belief internally gives me the ability to reset my mindset anytime I feel any self-doubt creep into my mind when I am working towards my goal of bringing me into an empowered state of mind.
Self-Belief Wrap Up??
Wrapping up self-belief, we have learned the most important aspect of self-belief comes from an understanding of validating our beliefs about ourselves internally as opposed to validating our beliefs externally.?
When I validate my beliefs internally I am in full control over my internal states about how I feel about myself and the meaning I give to the results I am achieving.?
With most aspects of our self-identity, the meaning we assign to the results we are seeing will have a direct influence on the beliefs we create.?
When I want to build belief in any area of myself, it is important for me to understand how beliefs are created and that it is through conscious thought that I develop my self-belief.?
Beliefs are just thought patterns that I consistently go over in my mind that over time become beliefs and the more I repeat the same thought pattern again and again the stronger my belief will become.?
So for example, if I wanted to develop my skills in sales, the more I positively think about how I am understanding sales in general and the more I practice and refine those skills the faster I will develop my understanding.?
It is through the process of reinforcing my positive beliefs about my abilities the more I will enjoy doing the actions that will lead me to my goal.?
The more I think about the negative aspects of myself the more fear, self-doubt, and inaction I will create within my mind which will increase the difficulty of those actions.?
Because through promoting negative thoughts I will put myself into a disempowered state which increases my personal doubt, decreases my ability to think clearly, and will lead me to hold more fear around my ability to achieve my goals.?
So the key to remember with self-belief is this is not something that is created in the good times of our life, it is created by reinforcing our belief when the chips are down.?
It’s through a conscious choice to believe in ourselves when facing adversity that we are given the chance to build up our internal belief within ourselves and this is just through a simple process of reframing our internal narrative to serve us instead of control us.?
So remember this when you are trying to achieve a goal or learn something completely new to you, self-doubt will come, the most important thing to do is to take control of your thought process and make a choice as to how you would like to feel while striving towards your goal.
Self-Belief Activities?
Activity 1 - Creating New Beliefs??
For this activity, our main aim is to understand how our beliefs are formed and to also understand how our belief systems work.?
So understanding beliefs, a simple way to get your head around understanding beliefs is to simply think of any belief as a particular thought pattern on repeat.?
This means that in a simple sense beliefs are just thoughts, that are repeated in our minds so many times that they become the most predominant narrative in our minds.?
So if beliefs are just thoughts this gives you and me the ability to change our beliefs in any moment of our life.?
Through the process of changing the way we think about things and also by making the new thought pattern the most predominant thought in our mind for a long duration of time.?
For me personally, I will usually work in 3-month blocks when trying to change beliefs because while I am simply changing a thought process to alter my beliefs I must also remember that I am conditioning in new behavioural habits.?
So when it comes to conditioning in new habits generally I use the 14 days to break a habit and 90 days to set a new habit in place, while it may only take me 30 days to form the new behavior as a habit.?
If I follow the new behavior for 90 days it will usually become a natural part of my day-to-day lifestyle and this is the goal for any belief or behavioral change that I am seeking.?
For it to become so conditioned into my life that feels wrong for me not to complete the task or activity each day, while it is not overly important in the start for me to be proficient or perfect at what I am changing.?
What is most important for me personally is to just do the new behavior or run the new thought pattern again and again and again as the more repetitions that I do the more my mind and body become accustomed to the change I am creating.?
This will lead to the change becoming comfortable to me, the more comfortable the change becomes to me the more I will seek to complete the activities of change.?
There is a very important aspect of creating change that I haven’t touched on yet and that is positive reinforcement, I will always reinforce how great I am doing and how effective the change will be in my life.?
The more positive reinforcement I give myself the more belief and motivation I will build within myself which has a direct link to the momentum I create moving toward my goals in life.?
Positive reinforcement is one of the most underrated aspects of any change in life, see the reason for this is that this is where we are able to artificially build out our internal beliefs through targeted focusing.?
When I focus on all of the positive aspects in life what I am doing on a subconscious level is flooding my mind with targeted information that reinforces the possibility of achievement of my goal and simultaneously I am limiting the amount of energy available for any negative or self-doubt to occur.?
This is why when changing your beliefs there are two simple steps to follow the first is conscious language or thought pattern directing and the second is positive reinforcement.?
By following these two steps you will be able to really focus on the thoughts going through your mind and the types of feedback to which you are measuring your success.?
A key thing to understand is if you believe you are moving in a positive direction toward your goal, you are moving positively toward achieving your goal, and to the same if you believe that you are moving in a negative direction you will move in a negative direction.?
Activity 1)
This is a very easy and simple activity that is focused on mapping out new thought patterns which will help you to form your new beliefs and what metrics you can use to positively reinforce the change you seek.?
So all you need is a notepad, on one page list out the beliefs you want to have within your self for example; ( maybe you would like to improve your confidence, self-love, abundance, your intellect, or your skills and abilities).?
On the next page work out language, and thought patterns that will help you to become that person. On the next page identify different ways to positively reinforce those new beliefs within yourself every day for 90 days.?
By having an understanding of the overarching goal which is the ( new belief), by understanding the activities that will move you closer to the goal ( language and thought patterns), and by understanding how to build momentum and motivation while taking the steps towards your goal ( positive reinforcement) you have the ability to change any belief easily.???
Activity 2 - Positive Reinforcement
By using positive reinforcement as a way of creating motivation and momentum in the pursuit of my goals I am able to control how I feel through the process of achieving my goals.?
To achieve any goal in life no matter how big or how small is just a process of first having a vision for what you want to achieve, then identifying the actions or steps needed to achieve that goal, and then creating the upward pressure of motivation to fuel your pursuit of the goal.?
If I have these three aspects it is quite easy to achieve any goal I set my sights on, as if I know where I want to go if I know how I am going to get there and I am able to self-motivate along the way.?
Then it just becomes a measurement of effort given over a longer enough timeframe and anything I can believe as being possible is possible.?
See this is the key to positive reinforcement it allows me to simplify the process down into just focusing on what actions need to be taken and then I just focus on reinforcing the positive feedback as opposed to reinforcing any negative self-talk.?
Anything that I perceive as being negative in life is always a result of an internal negative perspective and if I choose to focus on that it will become my reality.
If I choose to only focus on reinforcing the positive perspective of how things are going and I choose to ignore any negative self-talk I will create a mindset that only sees opportunity instead of one that only sees challenges.?
For example, if I take a new job in sales in an industry that I have no experience in let's say I set a goal to become competent and to average consistent results in my sales within 4 weeks.?
So I understand that the first couple of days or weeks I will be focused on learning about the product, the buyers, and how to overcome the objections that the average buyers have while also understanding how I can best present the information to my buyers.?
If I don’t see immediate sales that is okay as my goal is not to win sales but to become more proficient at how I perform in the sales, which allows me to create my own results I am seeking in each call or presentation and this allows me to focus in the beginning on small incremental positive changes.?
This not only helps me to feel better about myself in the short-term, but it also allows me to build up my momentum over the course of the goal to keep progressing forward.?
As if I am focused on understanding to begin with, as I develop my understanding naturally my competence in achieving the sale will increase and the more I understand about the buyers the simpler the goals in the sale will become.?
This leads me to feel more confident about not only myself but also about my abilities at a higher rate over a shorter time period and this leads me closer to my goal of being able to consistently achieve sales.?
As my understanding and confidence grow I am able to refocus and refine my goals to become more outcome-oriented.?
This is because the more I understand the leavers of change within the sale, the more I understand the activities needed to be taken to achieve the results I seek.?
When I am 100% clear on what I need to do day in and day out to achieve the goal of sales, I am now able to break down my goals and results into actions that need to be taken and estimated timeframes for success.?
But more importantly when I am able to create an environment, that conditions positive reinforcement and I am able to break down my goal into achievable steps I am able to quickly achieve any goal I set for myself.?
Activity 1) For this activity what you want to do is to learn how to shift your focus to creating an environment that positively reinforces your self-belief when pursuing your goals.?
The key is to work out what are the metrics that you will use to measure your progress towards your end goal.?
How can you shift your perspective from the end result to the activities needed to be taken to achieve the results you seek and how can you break up your goal into small actionable steps??
In this stage, we are looking to hyper-focus on everything positive and minimize our observations or perspectives around negative outcomes as the more we focus on the positive the closer we get to achieving the positive results.?
So on a piece of paper what you want to do is right down your goal, break it down to the actions needed to be taken to achieve that goal, and work out the positive metrics you will use as milestones or markers towards your achievement of that goal.?
These milestones and markers will become the signposts that you focus on while taking the actions or steps towards your goal and they will become the mantra you repeat to yourself daily along that journey.?
For Example ( If your goal is to increase your ability to sell, then your goal is to increase your sales results, the actions or steps would be your calls, and presentations given and you would repeat to yourself with every call I am one step closer to my goal, with every presentation I am honing my skills, and becoming who I want to be).?
Now the key is we are not measuring this based on results, this is measured based on actions or activities taken towards the goal.?
Activity 3 - Identifying Limiting Beliefs?
To identify limiting beliefs it is vital that we understand what are limiting beliefs and how are they formed within our conscious and unconscious minds.?
So what are limiting beliefs??
Limiting beliefs are beliefs that are formed through the setting of mental or physical limitations on our ability to achieve the desired outcome that we want in life.?
For example, I may have tried to achieve a goal years ago, but I may have faced a specific set of challenges, which I may not have had the resources or skill set to overcome the challenges so I gave up on my pursuit of that goal.?
So the limiting belief that is formed from that situation may be that every time I want to pursue this goal I will face this set of challenges and how I will subconsciously view this set of challenges is one where no matter what I do I will always fail.?
See the thing with limiting beliefs is when I fail the first time I will create a mental block to where when I reach my previous point of failure subconsciously I will give up or limit my effort given.?
Some limiting beliefs are imposed on me by others, like for example if I am trying to launch a business and everyone around me constantly tells me 90% of businesses fail.?
If that narrative is repeated enough times I will start to adopt or become conditioned into believing that narrative as being my reality and if I look up to those people who are projecting their opinion on me I will also take on that belief at a more rapid rate.?
This is because part of our evolutionary development is dedicated to learning through others' experiences, for example, poisonous animals if someone in my tribe was bitten by a poisonous snake, my memory has evolved for me to identify that death may be highly likely if bitten by snakes or certain types of snakes.?
See this is because it is part of our survival mechanism so our mind creates an A = B equation where regardless of what the situation is poison equals death, now this isn’t to say that poison equals death every time.?
It is just about understanding that our subconscious mind will create that scenario in our mind as it is safer for us to assume that is the outcome than it is to risk a chance of being an exception to the rule.?
So how does this apply to what others may say directly to me or in my presence??
Our subconscious mind doesn’t differentiate between perceived fears, and real fears as our subconscious mind doesn’t understand how to conceptualize, and this is why when we are running low on gas it’s as stressful of a situation as being lost in bushland.?
Because to my subconscious mind, they are both situations of risk or fear, this is why I develop anxiety around outcomes I do not wish to be subjected to.?
So when I can understand that my subconscious mind doesn’t understand reasonable fear responses, it makes more sense to how others' opinions of situations I may be present in will influence my decision-making ability.?
I will seek to minimize my chances of failure by listening to what others may say for me to do and while this may seem like a good idea in life.?
Unfortunately many times we are not listening to others' experiences, but their opinions about what they think should happen in the situation which leads us to wrong conclusions in life.?
See if you can find an expert in the field you are striving to succeed in or you can find someone who has overcome the situation you are going through.?
You will rarely get accurate information to make a highly informed decision, which will generally lead you to information paralysis and the creation of limiting beliefs based on unrealistic expectations.?
This is why it is important to limit the external information that you take in from unvetted sources when you are trying to do something completely new, as you need to save as much memory for self-realized wisdom and you need to allow enough space in your mind to figure out your limitations without interference from others.
Activity 1)?
The goal of this activity is to start working out what limiting beliefs you have created for yourself and what limiting beliefs you have taken on from others.?
The key to this is to do some deep thinking/ reflective analysis on the goals you wish to achieve.?
Write down at the top of a piece of paper your goals you want to achieve, then what you want to do is under the goal or goals break the page into 4 sections.?
The first is physical constraints which will hold you back from achieving the goal, the second is mental constraints which will hold you back from achieving the goal.?
Then the last two sections break them into my beliefs, which are based on your first-hand experiences, and others beliefs which are based on your second hand and third hand experiences which have been acquired through observation and communication with others.
Activity 4 - Breaking Limiting Beliefs ?
When trying to break any limiting belief there is a simple formula that needs to be followed to achieve success and create new empowering beliefs which will help you to succeed in anything you want to achieve.?
So this is a very simple process where I first have to become aware of the limiting belief I want to break, as without first becoming aware of my limiting beliefs I will remain blind to those beliefs.?
After becoming aware of the limiting belief I then want to work through past memories and experiences to identify when and how was the belief incepted into my conscious and unconscious minds or simply when and where I adopted these limiting beliefs.
Once I have found the root memory or experience for my adoption of the belief, I am able to review that memory or experience in a high level of detail.?
I tried to become crystal clear about not only the factors that caused the outcome I experienced but to also understand how my emotional state shifted throughout the experience.?
The key is to really understand how the experience made us feel, how the outcome made me feel, and to see how my mind had over-exaggerated the outcomes and experience in my mind.?
When I am able to understand the extent to which my mind will over-exaggerate past negative experiences and use those memories in everything I do in the future.?
I am able to understand how much of an impact limiting beliefs have on my overall progression forward in life and how those new beliefs trick my subconscious into always second-guessing myself.?
When I understand that this aspect of my mind or memory is not true I am able to now work through those past experiences and memories assigning new meaning to the outcomes I got and to how I felt during those experiences.?
The key here is to see how my mind over-exaggerates the emotions and fear responses, to then walk myself back through that experience and show myself that there is nothing to fear and that I am over-exaggerating the potential outcome.?
In the same how I would walk someone through one of their fears, we need that level of support, but also we need to have that logical dialog running which points everything out calmly and talks us through why it is happening.?
For example, I personally had a phobia of spiders which was developed through many interactions when I was younger, I had large spiders crawl up my pants, and down my shirts, I would find them under my sheets when in bed, and many more interactions which cause me to develop an irrational fear that all spiders would try crawling on me.?
See that is the thing when I would see any spider I would have every past memory of them crawling all over me play in my mind, so what I would do is talk myself through those memories and counter the irrational fears with logic.?
For example, when I would think that the spiders would crawl on me, I would remind myself that no they didn’t want to crawl in my closet, it was because in those past memories, I was picking things up and the spider was just trying to find a place to hide.?
The other goal is to expose yourself to those situations that make you feel anxious and focus on calming practices like deep breathing.?
To reset your natural state when in those environments, if I have a fear of failure or fear of judgment then I will put myself in an environment to be judged and talk myself calmly through that situation until I feel comfortable being in that environment.?
The goal is to reset your response from feeling uncomfortable and anxious to a response of No I will sit here until this feels comfortable to me and if the worst-case scenario which I fear happens I’m okay with that.?
What I found was the more I exposed myself to uncomfortable situations which made me feel anxious and when I would take control of the narrative and force myself to remain calm the more I would become aware of the extent I was overreacting in the situations.??
Activity 1)?
So now that we understand how to identify limiting beliefs, what we want to do is on a piece of paper at the top put the goal you want to achieve, and then write down under that goal the limiting beliefs you have around achieving that goal.?
The next step is to understand the limiting beliefs in more detail, so we want to know where they originate from in terms of their sources and start to map out all of the perceived limitations that will be faced in pursuit of this goal.?
The next step is that we want to start working through the past experiences of each limiting belief trying to find the memory or experience that was the root cause for the limiting belief ( note this can be from something you have gone through which was traumatic or it could be as simple as a conversation which cause the belief to become implanted in your mind).?
The goal with this stage is to try and figure out where the belief came from if it was from within you or if it was a result of an interaction you had with someone else.?
Once you have identified the root experience or cause for your limiting belief, it is important to work on expanding your understanding of the experience and how it influences your emotional states.?
So on the piece of paper under the limiting beliefs, you want to write out the causes or experiences that caused the creation of that belief and work on mapping all of the different experiences that led to the creation of your limiting belief.?
The next step under the experiences you now want to start assigning meaning to these memories and trying to understand how they influence your emotional states.?
The goal here is to really understand how you are assigning emotions to previous outcomes or feared potential outcomes and to map out the range of emotions these limiting beliefs cause you to feel.?
Next, you want to start exposing yourself to those situations that cause you to feel fear or anxiety and to work on remaining calm while you are experiencing those situations.?
The goal here is you want to start to gently expose yourself to discomfort, working on redirecting your internal narrative around the limiting belief and shifting from anxiety to a state of calm.?
When you are able to remain calm in situations that cause you great anxiety, you will be able to start reprograming your subconscious mind to become accustomed to that experience of being uncomfortable which will lower your overall anxiety outside of experiencing this situation.
Activity 5 - Understanding Self-Doubt?
Self-doubt is an aspect of our human psychology that none of us are able to avoid, it’s not that others in life don’t feel self-doubt like you or I, as everyone feels it when going through challenging times.?
What is more important to understand is how to deal with self-doubt when it shows up in your life, how is it that some may become shaken by thoughts thoughts of doubt in their mind and others use those thoughts as fuel for why they must keep pressing on towards their goal.?
The simple fact is that the experiences between people are exactly the same in the sense that self-doubt feels the same no matter who you are, what amplifies your self-doubt is by fueling those thoughts and focusing on the negative narrative playing in your mind.?
See it’s not that those thoughts have power over my mind, but should I choose to allow that doubt to direct my mind those thoughts of doubt will spread like wildfire.?
Destroying everything that once was in my mind, I personally understand that it’s 100% okay to feel self-doubt, but it’s not okay to fuel my self-doubt and I must direct my thoughts from doubtful thoughts to empowering thoughts.?
The reality is that these thoughts will present themselves in my mind when I am unsure of what to do next or what the outcome may be as a result of my actions and like breaking limiting beliefs I must realize that these thoughts are usually over-exaggerated in my mind.?
So instead of me believing these thoughts of doubt I can say yes that may happen as a result of my actions towards pursuing my goal and it’s 100% okay I will be able to get through this challenge with no stress.?
See when I am able to talk myself through these thoughts of self-doubt instead of denying and suppressing any thoughts of doubt I may have.?
I am able to expand my understanding of why I am feeling the doubt, and where these feelings of doubt are coming from and I am able to take control of my internal dialog calmly and redirect it to an empowering dialog for my best results.?
Rather than saying I don’t feel any doubt, I am fronting as if I am 100% certain in everything I do in life if I am unable to acknowledge my doubts and open a dialog with myself.?
I am able to continuously develop and grow for my best interests, if I repress my doubts and ignore them all I am doing is limiting my personal development in any situation in my life.?
By me refusing to acknowledge self-doubt I am refusing to acknowledge doubts or concerns I may have developed in my approach to pursuing my goals which will generally result in me overlooking key information I may need to know to succeed.??
Activity 1)?
For this activity, you want to record the different doubts you may have in relation to the pursuit of one of your goals.?
What you want to start understanding is where this doubt comes from is it something that you feel as a result of past experiences or is it a perceived fear you have developed as a result of others' opinions??
Then you want to write down worst-case scenarios and best-case scenarios for if you were to pursue this goal what could go wrong and what could go wildly right for you.?
After you have set the upper and lower limits you need to think about the best and worst-case scenarios you want to think about them and write out the narrative which comes to mind.?
In your mind I want you to step through the pursuit of this goal and talk through each point or milestone along the way.?
The goal with this is to physically be able to see what are the current narratives running in your mind and identify how to shift the language around to be more supportive or conducive to you achieving your goals.?
Once you have written out the updated narrative for your best and worst-case scenarios, every time you feel yourself running the old narrative read aloud your updated narrative and over time you will notice a shift in your perspective.?
Activity 6 - Breaking Down Goals Into Achievable Steps
Breaking down goals into achievable steps is an important aspect of achieving any goal, as the simpler that you make the task the easier it will be to achieve.?
The goal of this activity is to learn how to simplify the process you follow when trying to achieve your goals in life and to learn how to build up your momentum toward achievement.?
I have come to realize that the simpler I make my steps toward success, the easier it is for me to build momentum toward my goal, and the less indecision I will face in pursuit of my goal.?
It is quite simple as to why this happens, if I am able to use simple language to explain in detail each step like a cooking recipe, the less I will have to think in between each step of the process, and the quicker I can transition from one step to another.?
This is the goal of creating step-by-step processes, to minimize the need for individual assessment when carrying out the actions toward the goal.?
What I want to do is spend some time planning out how am I going to achieve my goal, then I want to create a framework of all the steps required for me to reach my goal and I want to really focus on simplifying each step to having one desired outcome.
Where like a staircase each step is layered on the last so that all I need to focus on is progressing forward and I can make the framework flexible enough so that changes need to be made.?
I am able to simply pivot from one step into another without having to rewrite my overall framework, if I focus on keeping each step simple and not overly complicated I am able to change any step while not affecting my progression.?
For example, if I have a goal of losing weight and building a specific physique, if I put too many tasks into each step, for example, I have my weekly diet as one step, should I need to change any meal within that week??
Due to me having a scheduling conflict or needing to travel, well I would need to take into account how the missed meal or inability to maintain that strict diet would affect the following meals or days of meals.?
Whereas if each meal was an individual step in my dietary plan I would have a breakfast meal, a lunch meal, and a dinner meal for example and I would try to hit specific goals within each meal.?
Then if I had to miss lunch due to a work schedule conflict, I am able to adjust the time I would eat lunch by pushing it back or I am able to compound lunch and dinner together as one meal.?
See the more I break goals into small steps, the more mini milestones I have as directions towards my goal, but the simpler I make each action the more independent each action becomes from the others.?
The more independent the actions become the less effect they will have on the surrounding actions and the less indecision that will be created from any conflicts.?
This is because the simpler I make my decision making the easier it is for me to continue progressing forward, but also when I break a large task into many small tasks.
The easier it is for me to psychologically build momentum up towards achieving my goal the more motivated I will become that I can achieve my goals.
Activity 1)?
On a piece of paper write down your goal at the top of the page, the like a cooking recipe I want you to list out all the resources or ingredients you will need to achieve this goal.?
Then I want you to structure how each ingredient will be used and the process or framework you will follow to achieve your goal.?
Next, you want to step out each action that will need to be taken in order for you to achieve your desired goal, like a recipe it’s structured as you crack the eggs into a bowl, and then on the next step, you whisk the eggs firmly.?
The goal is you want to make it so simple that when you feel self-doubt or mental blocks along the way all you need to do is read your framework and take each step.?
As you will feel self-doubt and you will become overwhelmed from time to time, your goal is to plan it out so that in those moments all you need to do is take one step at a time.?
This will allow you to continue to progress forward regardless of your emotional state and by eliminating unnecessary thinking you will be able to eliminate any indecision you may feel in moments of doubt.?
When all you have to do is one small step at a time it is very easy to focus on how achievable each small step is and this allows you to maintain your momentum towards your goal.?
Remember like a recipe the simpler it is the easier it is to replicate when under higher levels of stress, as the more stress you feel the less flexibility you have in your thinking, and if you are able to progress through the stressful moments the less stress you will feel.?
6 个月Grand Post! Very powerful information.