The self beating up stops here

The self beating up stops here

Ever find yourself swimming in a pool of regret, embarrassment, guilt or shame over something you did or didn't do or something you said or didn't say? This letter is in honour of all the thousands of leaders and teams I have had the privilege of working with who shared their inner most secrets, critics and fears so they could recycle this unhealthy pattern of beating themselves up to be free.

Dear Self,

I am sorry for those times when I only focused on what I hadn't done well, what I hadn't accomplished yet, for comparing my successes or failures to others, or for staying stuck in the confusion versus what I knew to be true. I pushed you too hard. I expected the impossible from you and then felt mad and disappointed when you didn't deliver. I know that having high standards is good however raising the bar so high that no one could reach it is unfair. I let my inner critic win. Until now.....

I will move forward with confidence and self compassion. I will pay attention to the many things you do to make a difference in your work and in your life. I will celebrate these successes daily. I use a lens of possibility, passion, joy, love and success moving forward.

In this moment, I create a clean slate for you to rise up from all that no longer serves you and keeps you small.

Moving forward is the best way for me to create "new beginnings."

Your greatest fan!

ME xo

Powerful Tips to disarming your Rambo inner critic: The next time your Rambo critic comes out to judge and do a character assassination on your the following steps will help:

1. Stop. 2. Take a deep breath. 3. Remind your inner critic that if it has feedback for you it needs to share it with compassion versus trying to shred your confidence. If it can't because you feel stuck with being too tired, overwhelmed or stressed, Shut it Down. Tell it, "Not today." 4. Replace those thoughts with solutions; example, rest, delegate, delete tasks all together, say "No"or go ask for help. Hire a coach, therapist, or take a mindfulness class. 5. Choose you. Choose your well-being. Choose your self esteem. Choose self compassion.


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