Self Awareness Can Help Inform your Reactions

Self Awareness Can Help Inform your Reactions

Go deep into your emotions, allow yourself beyond the labels and categorizations of your mind to find your true self. What the heart aches or fears is key to develop self-awareness. At times during strong emotional turmoil, we may think that we are acting from our brain. In reality, when what we fear the most in our heart comes true; the heart is the place to go back and heal.

As you begin to train with our energy management tools, you will experience the difference between the state of ease -even amidst of storm- from a mind-controlled calm appearance that is only exterior and it is not honoring the moment you’re living in. But do not think for a second that the mind does not play its role here. When you learn to cultivate that state of ease, you are also creating an invisible time window for deeper discernment and more competent and wiser choices.

 Acting out of impulse or weakness in the wake of frustration, impatience or betrayal is only human, but developing self-awareness will allow you to balance your energy in a way that you can react intelligently, not simply react. That is the wisdom of the heart.

Have an awesome week,


Carrie Davidson

Nursing Student at Watts College of Nursing

8 年

This is great. Thanks for all you do!


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