Self-appraisal/self mid-year review
Dr Maria Athanasiou MD, MFOM, MBA
Occupational Health Expert - Leading Medical Director - Occupational Health and Performance Management Consulting
When I was a student on track for my final exams, I had a professor in physics, who was my first "influencer". He had told me many times that I should not consume my energy on worrying about my mistakes. He was telling me: your mistakes are your best teachers. The more you practice your knowledge in physics, they are going to be reduced and finally they will vanish. After a while, he gave me a bunch of tests of a few other students after having erased the names of the students. All the tests had very good marks; however, I had noticed that amongst them, there were a few ones with lots and considerably serious mistakes. So, I asked him: do you want to have a second look in these tests? I may be wrong but I think that there are some mistakes and the final mark does not reflect the real performance? He looked at me and whispered:
"I know...but I prefer to tell them when I discuss the results with each one separately. By giving them this mark I encourage them to prove to me that they deserved to be encouraged; otherwise, in the next term the mark will be corrected to their real performance. But, I prefer to start by giving them a chance."
My second "influencer" was one of the doctors, who trained me in respiratory medicine;
"The more thorough the clinical examination and clinical record, the more collegial enemies you will have. But, this is not a reason to compromise; empty barrels make noise, the full ones make a melody."
My third "influencer" was an OHP in my final part of my specialty training;
"Every OHP chooses his/her clients accordingly to their available room for compromise. OHPs of high standards do not compromise; and, this is why they have a ready-to-give resignation in their white coat if their clients/colleagues/managers/employees/patients do not meet their standards."
Fast forward... early May, not that long time ago:
Client(my manager): We would like you to sign the extension of the contract. We extended the contract for two years.
Me: Forget it.
Client (my manager): Why is that?
Me: for 20+ reasons you already know. Most importantly, 12 months full of chances to change. 12 months waste of precious career time for me ... goodbye"
May as a month has traditionally been the month of my personal mid-year review since 2000. Since I was introduced to the annual appraisals and 5-yearly revalidation system I realized the importance of having a self- assessment tool
A few (of my) Fun Facts for May.
?? May is the month of my birthday.
?? May is the month of official gratitude to my family, teams (coworkers: my employees and managers), patients and friends. Although for us (the teams I serve with great pride, pleasure and honor) expressing our gratitude and respect is part of our daily routine, we have implemented the concept of each one's month of gratitude for many years now.
?? May is the month/deadline for final review of borderline relationships (clients/businesses, managers, colleagues). Compromising ones are dismissed without notice. No offense!!
?? May is the month for my self-appraisal. Plans, goals, accomplishments, progress are all put under the magnifier.
?? May is the month when all my ZERO TOLERANCE policies are validated/renewed. Whoever is on the verge of breaching them gets a kind notification. Whoever breaches just gone..mostly boomers and boomer-led individuals!
?? May is the month of renewal (direct debit to self kind of) of my commitment to improving and upgrading my standards; as a person and as a professional.
?? Exactly 25 years ago, I was given a chance, a renaissance. Having gone through this, at a quite early age, before even entering the medical school, my tolerance to compromising behaviors/practices in all personal, social, professional contexts has been zero. Even prior to that match-point it was zero.
?? Burning the bridges with toxic people/cultures at every kind and level of relationships is inevitable and an evidence of evolution on personal, professional, social level. This process is irreversible and out of question.
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Property Management Coordinator
2 年You are so original!