Your Visualization Board
Chapter 1
Self-Application Best Practices:
After Reading This Chapter You Will Learn
- The Characteristics Of The Pro-Active Leader
- How To Think Ahead, See Beyond The Problem & Take Leadership To Influence Desired Results In Your Life
- How To Develop Your Visualization Board…..See Yourself Five Years Ahead (Family + Social + Professional)
- Identify Practical Steps To Realize Visualization Board (Learn From Those Who Have Been There)
- Connect To Your DSS Deeper Sense Of Self (Know Your Passion / Passion Can Influence Your Solutions)
- Develop Exceptional People Skills / (Relationship Is The Mother of Success)
- Build A Solution Driven Quality Circle / Think Tank
- Nurture Align Desires & Take Inform Action
- Understand The Significance Of Review Your Visualization Board Daily
Self-Application Best Practices:
The Pro-Active Leader Traits & Characteristics
Fine Your Gifts & Passion & Leverage Them Daily: Proactive leaders have the ability to think ahead, see beyond the problem and lead a process that influence’s desire results in every area of their lives. They nurture healthy and model family life-styles, start and lead successful community clubs, develop model businesses and influences social systems and social changes that represent collective human interest. These are vital traits and characteristics for any effective leader / manager to attain. This chapter is designed to provide the leader / manager with the tools and techniques that enables them to lead in a manner that inspire collective human development, human innovation and creativity and promote and position the firm or organization as a trend setter and game changer in their area of specialty.
The Pro-Active Leaders Traits & Characteristics
Every organization needs the Pro-active Leader. It does not matter whether the organization falls within the Private Sector, Public Sector or Civil Society. The proactive leader identifies management processes, adapts and creates new processes where necessary and moves the organization forward towards realizing specific and targeted goals. He sees the world with what is known as Mind-Sight & moves the process forward based on Eye-Sight. The proactive leader drives businesses and organizational diversification, differentiation and expansion into national and world trade.
The proactive leader is solution drive and has the ability to 1) Think Ahead, 2) See Beyond The Problem & 3) Take Leadership To Influence Desire Results. Let us examine each of the three headings shown above:
Pro-Active Leaders Think Ahead:
It takes time to nurture the discipline, knowledge and intellectual competence to think ahead of any process or project development. Proactive Leaders take pride in themselves and their unique ability to think ahead. But can anyone state what exactly the process of “Thinking Ahead” is. Is there a process, content and a structure of thinking ahead?
The answer is Yes, Yes & Yes
Visualization Is The First Stage Of Physical Manifestation:
Step 1: Develop Your Visualization Board
Your Visualization Board Is A Compass & A Guide That Keeps You Anker: The process of creating your personal visualization board must represent a clear picture of how you see yourself now and how you would like to be one to five years from today. Asking yourself the following three questions and committing your time, your energy and your resources to foster their realization can truly have transformational impact on your life.
Question 1:
What quality of family life would I have one to five years from now?
For Example
Your Visualization Board must clearly identify your “Quality Life Family Growth Plan”.
- Identify The Quality Home & Community You Are Living…………….By Timeline
- Identify all appropriate steps to realize your stated plan.
- Identify The Start OF Your Nuclear Family Cycle………..By Timeline
- Identify The Quality Of Education Your Children Are Exposed To…………By Timeline
- Identify How Socially Active & Quality Life Your Family Are Living………….By Timeline
Healthy Family Structure: represents Vision, Network. Trust, Love, Compassion, Support, Leverage, Leadership, and Personal Growth & Social & Economic Development: Family is the first base and the most important network in the lives of great leaders. Family gives us a chance to start tradition that passes on from generation to generation and keep the spirits of great leaders alive and fuels the collective and sustainable development of every family member. Family is everything. The quality of our family life or lack thereof, represents culture. It is what shape us, make us or break us. But, yet we take it for granted. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy.
A house divided against itself will crumble and fall.
Create The Right Family Structure & Systems If The Existing One Does Not Work For You.
We must commit to nurture strong family lives where healthy tradition can give birth and pass on from generation to generation. The quality of family life you lead completely depends on you: If you can’t measure it you can’t monitor it and if you can’t monitor it you can’t control it. To be continued
By Gary Thompson
Human Resource Development Specialist
Project Management Specialist / Business Development Consultant
8 年Happy Father's Day Game Changers & Dream Makers!!!