Ignoring some one you don't love
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
I don’t feel it’s ok to ignore someone who you know loves you but whom you don’t love. I feel it’s very cruel and cowardly to do that to a person hoping it will make them go away and stop loving you. Far better to tell that person honestly that you can’t love them so they can have a chance to heal their heart and move on. Remember, what goes around comes around and one day you too may find yourself loving someone who doesn’t love you. Would you like them to give you hints that they don’t care or would you prefer them to come out and say it so you don’t pine for them. It doesn’t cost much to be kind.
Do not let someone make you feel bad about yourself because you don't have feeling for them. Let them know that you don't like them in that way and if they still continue the unrequited love is on them. The worse thing that you can do to your self and them is go in to a one sided relationship. Moreover, if you are ready to experience the same for you I mean imagine you have feeling for someone and they ignore you if it feels okay to you than go ahead ignore them .
But remember you are a beautiful combination of qualities and flaws what if that person ignores your qualities and only focuses on your flaws that sounds mean doesn’t it but its their kindness that they are ignoring your flaws and appreciating your qualities they are accepting you with your qualities and aspirations remember every one has both these options criticising you or appreciating you at same time if they choose to appreciate you than dont punish them for this
And what if its the last time that anyone is loving you appreciate their positivity towards you remember we are here only to love and to be loved experience both. As you sow so shall you reap if you break somebody heart at this time the divine will start the cycle and you will end up on the same position you drive that person to love those who love you because they may be praying for you at the time you were not even expecting and You never know maybe they are the reason behind that you are spending time with the people you love.
If it is your crush and not a friend to whom you regularly talk to. everyone feels nervous around their crush and will act awkward or avoid them. It's stupid though right/ We like them then send the wrong signals. It could just be your mind telling you you're not ready to have a steady relationship but you still like looking?. Go ahead be brave try to get more friendly. crack some situational jokes. Don't lose the person you love. I wouldn't really say OK to ignore but would like to rephrase as giving less time/importance/priority.
I'm really not sure on your intention to ignore but if you feel taken for granted sort, then you can just cut short the time you spend for them(talk/message/meet). This would really help them realize the value of your time & effort you put in your relationship. And now a days it is not OK. We are not sure how it will affect that person & you. It is always better to resolve it. When someone really loves you, he/ she will be ok if you don't love back. Love is feeling. But if someone really loves us then it is always good to make that person understand that you are already committed to someone else, in your kind of situation. As a human being we should make that person understand that there nothing wrong with him/ her but you are in love with someone else.
Sometimes it is ok if we show our love towards that person because it is human nature to give back what it receives from other but this pay back should not cross the line & should not hurt our current companion. There’s a middle ground between ignoring someone and having a long discussion with them about why you don’t feel the same way they do. Let’s talk about the middle ground solution first. A simple email should suffice for this purpose. Tell them how much you appreciate their warm feelings towards you but that you don’t feel the same way yourself. Be kind when writing it to minimize the hurt feelings as much as you possibly can.
That should do the trick, but if for some reason it does not, then at that point I would simply ignore them and hope they eventually back off. Most people will. But if for some reason the person is so obsessed with you that they won’t take no for an answer, then it becomes necessary to block them completely. As heartless as this may sound, it’s actually a last resort and it works. Block them on your phone, block their email address, and unfriend them online. Only someone with serious psychological problems will continue stalking you after you’ve blocked them to this degree.
Obviously you don't really owe them any response, but if you dont share their feelings you should tell them so, so they aren't wasting so much of their time and energy on you. Its really painful not knowing how another person feels about you when you care so much about them. Ive been on the other side of this situation for over a decade. Unrequited love is so painful, but out of it I learned how to love myself so much that I don't need another person to reflect that love back to me for me to know I am worthy of love. Focusing on this other person kept me from seeing all the love already around me. It would be the right thing to do, to just let the other person down, without the sugarcoating. Cheers!
Agreed. Its very important to tell people clearly if you have no feelings for them. However. I have seen many who refuse to take "no" for an answer and rather insist on pursuing with the hope that someday the other person might change their mind. Now, this is where I think people should work on. They should stop harping on unrequited love and rather try to move on. Kishore Shintre