Selection of Therapies for a Pharma Startup
CountDown4 : Challenges ahead us !!
Again I'm comming to the open forum of my LinkedIn pharma talents & advisors for an expart opinion regarding selection of therapies for new pharma startup might be..Please help us with your views.
We think it's a very big challenge and the most important part too to select the right therapies for a new startup. Whether in large therapies with less growth or some promising therapies with rapid growth YoY.
And the reach with those products to our B2B customers.
We think, we must know our strength & limitations as really what we can do or how much we can reach in initial years and the size & expertise of the team working with.
However we must not forget some basic implementing ideas described below for effective reach of our therapies to our B2B customers..
Target Prescribers and Patient Population
Sales executives know how hard it is to gain access to physicians. Many physicians today have been limiting the number of pharma reps allowed to meet with them. Because of this, executives frequently encourage marketers to use a precise technique to reach physicians via digital platforms to more efficiency interact with healthcare professionals. A poor industry practice done by many companies is marketing only to the most influential physicians. By doing this, they’re missing the opportunity to create advocates among additional day-to-day prescribers while they are on point-of-care platforms tending to patients.
We are going to adopt some important method for a better reach for our B2B customers -
1) To use big data to collect prescriber profiles
2) Tailor messages to individual physicians on point-of-care and endemic networks
3) Reaching out on various online communication platforms, so your prospect isn’t fatigued by your consistent follow-up
4) Demonstrate understanding of the average patient’s situations and prescribing behaviors
5) Support physicians in real time by giving them answers to their medical questions, while they are in the medical mindset on point-of-care channels
6) Stand Out from the Competition with some or the other instant & constant innovation in reaching out to our B2B customers.
We are looking for an expart opinion from you which will further boost my view in this matter.