Material Selection in Modular Construction Technology:

Material Selection in Modular Construction Technology:

For a long time, architects and construction engineers looking for a way to the industrially produced house. After World War II, housing shortages led to the invention and development of novel forms of construction to meet the baby boom population and fast-paced building demand across the world (Lawson, Ogden & Goodier, 2014). Construction procurement and supply chain systems in some countries were faced with bullwhip phenomena and serious problems due to the destructive consequence of the post-pandemic situation. It seems Traditional construction methods do not work properly regarding today’s business necessities. Long lead time, cost variations, and pandemic side effects on the global supply chain in the construction industry. Modern methods of construction (MMC) include methods for removing barriers, to the current situation. ?Since 1950, off-site manufacturing was used in various sectors such as housing, sports, prisons, security buildings, apartments— multistorey, Student residences, office buildings, retail buildings military accommodations, hotels, and health sector buildings. ?Modular construction started in the UK and gradually developed on other sides such as Korea, Japan, China, western Europe, North America, ANZ[1], and the rest of the world. Modular production systems are categorized into design, manufacturing, construction, and project management (Cheung & Qi, 2017). Currently, module systems are categorized into three main steel, precast concrete, and other types (figure 2). The selection of proper module systems depends on raw materials availability, countries’ building code rules and regulations, and socio-economical as well as environmental factors. Also, concrete volume index, joints and connections using matrix clustering technique, transportation dimensions to evaluate module dimensions' effects, ?transportation shipping distance index And the crane cost is the main contributing factors (Salama, Salah, Moselhi,? & Al-Hussein, 2017). In practice, any raw material has some pros and cons. For example meanwhile wood is light and moderately strong, ideal for small and medium-sized buildings. Steel is heavier and more proper for taller and more complex frameworks. Concrete is the heaviest and is best suited for foundations and reinforced structures. In summary Wood, steel and concrete have their applications in modular construction and the prefabrication construction industry, however, they allow for a slightly different set of benefits and challenges, and the design of the modular project can determine which materials need to be selected in construction (attached picture).

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