Another Small Step for Better Recruitment – Also Worth a Try
Selection Criteria Based Profiling
It is in the vested interest of all parties in the recruitment process to have a simpler, quicker, quality process with better hiring outcomes. Here is an additional suggestion for improving the hiring process which can be readily implemented at low cost, low risk, and should be part of good HR practices. That is: raising the profile of selection criteria in the application process with greater use in responses, assessments and supporting changes, i.e. Selection Criteria Based Profiling.
Selection Criteria Based Profiling is where we create a profile of what we want and importance based on the selection criteria, which is then used across the hiring process. At the stages in the hiring process, matching is against this profile, whether it is skills, expertise, experience, behaviours, values, and accreditations and certifications based on priorities. Using the Selection Criteria Based Profiling approach makes sense as we have spent the time to define the selection criteria, it simplifies the response process, adds an assured step to the application screening, sets up the assessment and interview process, as well as other advantages. Please keep reading for further details and comments welcome.
Bettering the use of Selection Criteria
When hiring, we often make a considerable effort around selection criteria for a role, because this is what we are seeking and what is important to us. We use the selection criteria in assessments, prioritisation, and decision making. Selection criteria are a statement of our prioritisation, of what is important to us, and of what we value. Yet, we have seen applications for roles where addressing the criteria is omitted. We have used systems which do not specify and require addressing selection criteria. We have been in interviews where we see the selection criteria overlooked.
If selection criteria are important, then selection criteria form the basis of the hiring process with matching, assessment, and decision making occurring against selection criteria. Now, it is a relatively simple step to take the selection criteria and to form a profile and then apply across the hiring process. A selection criteria profile encompasses the role, the values, the behaviours, the skills, expertise, experience, and any accreditations and certifications, and with a prioritisation and levels required. This selection criteria profile is a statement of what we seek, the importance placed, and forms the basis for applications, screening, and assessment through the hiring process and across the stakeholders. This is Selection Criteria Based Profiling.
The same applies for permanent roles or contract roles, for junior roles, and senior roles, as well as for less skilled and more skilled roles. This is a mere improvement of the uses and application of selection criteria, with some minor additions.
Selection Criteria Based Profiling is: -
Using the Selection Criteria Based Profiling approach is benefit to applicants, screeners, interviewers, recruitment agencies candidate representatives, and in approvals and endorsements.
The Response
The response by a candidate to a Selection Criteria Based Profiling role (even if only the selection criteria of the profile can be used) can be along the following lines:
The alignment with Outcomes Based Position Descriptions ?( makes the process so much easier for all. Again, this puts the focus on the applicant to avoid the copy and paste approach, enables a prioritisation rather than a shot gun approach, and provides an inherent quality assurance in the process for all. For those in hiring, the process is simplified, less applicants to screen, focused quality, and outcomes based, and the profile based matching blends to automation, yet alone helping in assessing the AI generated.
The Benefits
Some benefits beyond “better overall hiring outcomes” are as follows, though many other benefits exist and can be readily realised:
This is in addition to the benefits outline for Outcomes Based Position Descriptions ?(
The Implementation
Creating the Selection Criteria Based Profiling need not be complex or time-consuming. It is a matter of a small extension of what should already be occurring as good practices. This is about a slightly different approach within an existing process. Many would comment that this is required anyway. While it can be done by templates alone, some small technology changes would be of benefit.
Implementation needs to be driven by hiring managers and internal HR for their vested interest, but recruitment agencies can influence because it is good for them. What is required includes:
Other suggested changes include:
Depending upon the business, follow-through and other changes may be required, but these should not be extensive or complex.
Ask Our Selves
What do we elect to do?
Example Scenario
I am in HR and executive wants a streamlined hiring process so that the gaps in the business can be addressed. I would like to take someone from the team to lead the initiative. How would an approach using the Selection Criteria Based Profiling work?
1.???? Criteria – Determine the criteria for the position including values, behaviours, skills, experience, expertise and any accreditations and certifications required. Prioritise the themes like values being of more importance than behaviours which is of more importance than certifications. The selection criteria are also ranked within and across themes.
2.???? Profile – Combine these ranked themes and criteria into an overall profile for the position being filled. This is best done with reference back to the outcomes and the position description. A profile of the applicant being sought is now established and can be reviewed as required.
3.???? Profile Usage – The selection criteria based profile can be used along the following lines:
a.???? Position Approval – The omission of selection criteria profile or poor details within a profile could delay the sign-off on a role.
b.???? Advertising – The respective aspects of the selection criteria profile (maybe not all of the profile and may exclude ranking or theme priorities) then form the basis of recruitment adverts or emails seeking applicants (whether internal or external).
c.???? Response – Those responding to a role need to address the selection criteria with worked examples as part of the application process.
d.???? Initial Assessment – Screening of respondents who do not address or adequately address the selection criteria can be readily parked.
e.???? Further Assessment – The selection criteria profile can be used in assessment to prioritise applicants for further processing.
f.????? Interview Questions – The selection criteria profile forms the bases for interview questions and response assessment,
g.???? Applicant Selection – The performance of an applicant can be assessed against the selection criteria profile, and decisions made accordingly.
4.???? Use the Selection Criteria Based Profiling alongside Outcomes Based Position Descriptions ?( for best outcomes.
Next Steps
Next steps can include:
Good luck with the implementation, and please enjoy the rewards.
Please Feel Free to Use and Comments Welcome
Business and Technology Transformation | Program Management PMOs TMOs | Artificial Intelligence & Data Governance Integration
10 个月Trilogy This trilogy of small low-risk low-cost changes to the hiring process for better outcomes for all, consists of: ·??????????Outcomes Based Position Descriptions with One Small Step for Better Recruitment - It is Worth a Try ( ·??????????Selection Criteria Based Profiling with Another Small Step for Better Recruitment – Also Worth a Try ( ·??????????Skills and Expertise Acceptance Statement - One further Small Step for Better Recruitment – Maybe Worth a Try as Well (
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11 个月Hi Keith, I’d be concerned about misuse (or incompetent use) of the compulsory fields. I’ll give some examples of how I think this has already been done badly. In IT, certain vendor-specific qualifications appear to be screened for (eg MSCE or AWS certifications). But these just lead to vendor lock-in as they don’t teach generic skills that would be useful should you switch to a competitor. Finance departments often screen for accounting qualifications such as CA, even for management accountants. Trouble is CAs (in Aus) are completely unqualified to do management accounting. CA don’t even teach it as a subject. And the result is shoddy work quality in those departments as the management accounting is then performed by financial accountants and auditors who often have no conceptual understanding of management accounting. Some machine readers appear to measure years of experience, but they seem a bit primitive. They assume that people fill their CVs back to age 18, even when they are middle aged or seniors. This is bad practice which can contribute to discrimation against older workers. But also inappropriately considers the path people took to get where they are rather than the outcome. That fast food job in 1999 is irrelevant.
Business and Technology Transformation | Program Management PMOs TMOs | Artificial Intelligence & Data Governance Integration
11 个月Example Scenario Continued 3.????Profile Usage – The selection criteria based profile can be used along the following lines: a.????Position Approval – The omission of selection criteria profile or poor details within a profile could delay the sign-off on a role. b.????Advertising – The respective aspects of the selection criteria profile (maybe not all of the profile and may exclude ranking or theme priorities) then form the basis of recruitment adverts or emails seeking applicants (whether internal or external). c.????Response – Those responding to a role need to address the selection criteria with worked examples as part of the application process. d.????Initial Assessment – Screening of respondents who do not address or adequately address the selection criteria can be readily parked. e.????Further Assessment – The selection criteria profile can be used in assessment to prioritise applicants for further processing. f.?????Interview Questions – The selection criteria profile forms the bases for interview questions and response assessment, g.????Applicant Selection – The performance of an applicant can be assessed against the selection criteria profile, and decisions made accordingly. 4.????Now apply.
Business and Technology Transformation | Program Management PMOs TMOs | Artificial Intelligence & Data Governance Integration
11 个月Example Scenario I am in HR and executive wants a streamlined hiring process so that the gaps in the business can be addressed. I would like to take someone from the team to lead the initiative. How would an approach using the Selection Criteria Based Profiling work? 1.????Criteria – Determine the criteria for the position including values, behaviours, skills, experience, expertise and any accreditations and certifications required. Prioritise the themes like values being of more importance than behaviours which is of more importance than certifications. The selection criteria are also ranked within and across themes. 2.????Profile – Combine these ranked themes and criteria into an overall profile for the position being filled. This is best done with reference back to the outcomes and the position description. A profile of the applicant being sought is now established and can be reviewed as required. please see next steps in continuation
Business and Technology Transformation | Program Management PMOs TMOs | Artificial Intelligence & Data Governance Integration
11 个月Other quick questions and answers on this topic. Q: Will we see changes implemented? A: Some will be implement based on vested interest. We hope for betterment. Q: Is this bit of a lone voice exercise? A: Probably, but we need to be the change we wish to see and treat others as we would be treated. If it does some good, helps people, and makes others feel better, then that is a good thing.