Seize Your Moment
We have once again been introduced to Monday. The beginning of yet another week. I hope you had an enjoyable weekend using the time to relax and refresh your mind, body, and spirit. What is your mindset as you approach the beginning of this week? Do you feel prepared to tackle the challenges? Are you in step with where you need to be towards reaching your goals? Have you seen forward progress towards what you are trying to accomplish? Many things may be competing for your attention as you prepare to begin this week. You may already have a sense of gloom based on how previous Mondays have gone. However, take a few moments to consider the key towards making this a Marvelous rather than a Mundane Monday.
Seize Your Moment
Too many times, we allow the circumstances of Monday to place us in a reactive position. The challenge with this is that it can have an impact towards the rest of the week. Monday sets the tone towards how things can develop and this is influenced by how we seize the moments along the way. Capturing the essence of the moment creates momentum towards recognizing our talent, desire and willingness to confront a situation head. It causes us to focus on the moment in the moment. We become more engaged with what and who is around us. As you approach Monday, seize the steps necessary to put some points on the board toward your success.
Seize The Preparation: Know what needs to be done and prepare a strategy to finish what you start. Know exactly what needs to be done and place an emphasis on the order in which you get it done.
Seize The Morning: This time of day sets the tone towards the type of day you will have. How you begin the day influences the level of success you will enjoy. Begin with a plan and focus on how you address and complete the plan
Seize The Thoughts: Stop quitting on yourself and thinking that you are not capable of doing something. Yes you can, and Yes you will. Many positive steps are as a result of someone thinking that they could. (Think, the little engine that could).
Seize The Attitude: It is never what happens but what we do as a result that truly matters. Stop worrying about why it happened, focus on what you are going to do to address it and move on. We have a tendency to remain stuck when we simple need to re-set and keep it moving. Don't get caught up in your emotions and allow further distraction towards what you are trying to accomplish.
Seize The Moment: Don't put it off. Don't wait for another day, another way, or another excuse. In this moment, take definitive action. Make this the moment where you stop talking about it and do something about it. You will never have this moment again so take advantage of how you feel and simply get started. The rush and motivation simply by getting started will carry you thru any sense of doubt you may have.
Today is a great time to Seize Your Moment. You are lined up for greatness yet it comes down to how you manage the moments. Taking action in the Now will increase your opportunities towards reaching successful results. You have the talent, resources, and the will to make it happen. The key is to simply Seize the Moment and get started. Take decisive action and let's make today one of the best days yet.
To Your Moment!
Service Center Operations
8 年Perfectly said..thank you