Seize the Opportunity

Seize the Opportunity

People always tell each other that you should love what you do in order to excel in life.  This isn’t necessarily true for one simple reason; instead of loving what you do, you should love what the opportunity will bring you.  Every opportunity is one that allows you to build your life, future, success as well as your financial fortune.

Perhaps the fact that you need to ‘knock on someone’s door’ may not be something that brings you fulfillment, but wouldn’t you be simply excited as to what lays behind that door?  You will always find inspiration upon discovering something new, despite the fact that you may be making mistakes along the way.  With such mistakes, you should always remember to learn to appreciate every opportunity, as well as the person who may have brought you the good news (if you have been hired for a job).

Even though you may be doing something without motivation, performing uninspiring and routine tasks, why not simply appreciate the person who believed in your capabilities before you believed in yourself.  By embracing the disciplines associated with every new opportunity, you will soon discover that your self-confidence builds itself; you will go from being a skeptical person to becoming a believer.

Additionally, as you go out and talk to people with this new approach to embracing opportunity, you will find it to be the most thrilling experience in the world.  For every person you meet; who will he/she be? This person could turn out to be a friend for life, an open door to retirement, as well as a colleague or business partner for life.

To summarise; before you tempt yourself to give up and/or get discouraged by your current opportunity; I only want to teach you that success is based on a long-term commitment to fulfillment in terms of faith, discipline, attitude as well as a few stepping stones along your path.  You may not like the stone on which you stand now, but this stone will surely lead you to the great opportunities constituting your future.

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