Seize the Day…
Let’s face it. Not every day can be a celebration or a victory. We all wish it could be otherwise but it isn’t always possible to make progress with our plans and, sometimes, the obstacles prove to be more stubborn than we’d like them to be. Do we give up? No. Of course not. We take a deep breath and renew our determination because our goals are more important than our temporary frustration or discomfort. But there are simple ways to turn a difficult day into a celebration, regardless of the difficulties. We need to maintain a fiercely positive attitude in the face of our daily challenges. So, let’s take a closer look at how to enhance our determination.
The first suggestion is to learn to celebrate every success, no matter how small, and record the event in a handwritten victory log. This is a super technique for reviving confidence and reminding ourselves that we are more capable than we might imagine. Failure and disappointment can take up a lot of our attention so we need an effective antidote to redress the balance and feed our perception with positive memories of our triumphs and successes. Your personal victory log will remind you that you’re the kind of individual who can achieve whatever you set out to accomplish. If you haven’t done so already, start your victory file today. It’s a fantastic reference source to boost your confidence when your spirits are flagging.
The next step is to top up your gratitude quotient and take note of all the things that are actually working well in your life. It’s all a question of shifting your perception onto a more positive plane of experience. The more you notice the good things, the more good things you’ll notice. It’s a potent cycle of virtue that reinforces your optimism and belief in your ability to take effective action in pursuit of your goals.
Develop a feeling of being unstoppable. This robust framework of solid and irresistible determination will sustain you during difficult days and focus your perception on the fulfilment of your goals and dreams. This is a powerful psychological support and a natural way to engage your latent creativity, an essential advantage for solving problems and overcoming all the obstacles.?
Even when the day is proving difficult, learn to celebrate your spirit of determination. Smile and bask in the certainty that you will always succeed. Because your determination is stronger than anything that conspires to delay your progress.