Seize The Day
David Wildman
Director of Family and Discipleship at The Rock Community Church. Spending my life helping make disciples who make disciples.
Did you know that "carpe diem" is commonly misused in English?
Take a second to read an excerpt from the book?Common Errors in English Usage?by Professor Paul Brians of Washington State University?
"The classical Latin phrase carpe diem—usually translated as “seize the day”—means “act now,” “there’s no time like the present.” It has to do not with ceasing, but with acting."
Two verses come to mind when I read "It has to do not with ceasing, but with acting."
Our faith walk is not about us "seizing the day" - getting the most out of it for our gain. Our faith walk is about acting in manners that imitate Christ and showing those around us that we are not simply hearers only, but doers of the word - a life lived activated for His mission. When we live with this mindset around the phrase "carpe diem" we live "seizing the day" for His glory.
Let's take a moment and explore two actions required to "seize the day" for his glory:?Gospel Proclaimed?and?Gospel Displayed
Gospel Proclaimed
The first step in acting - ceasing - the day for the Lord is proclaiming the gospel. The amount of opportunities we have to proclaim the gospel today is staggering. Here are just a few:
Why is the good news not being proclaimed today? Is it uncertainty in presenting the gospel? Are we afraid? Do we feel proclaiming the gospel is for Pastors only?
Yes, I've heard and used all of these reasons (excuses) to not proclaim the gospel. The short answer for "Why is the good news not being proclaimed?" - we're afraid. We're afraid that the good news is going to offend. Let me pass along some advice that was given to me: "If the gospel doesn't offend the life we are currently living, then we are proclaiming the wrong gospel."
Gospel Proclamation is not about justifying the life we're living. Gospel Proclamation is about inviting one another into a new life. It's helping people see that the life we're living is not the life God has prepared for us. It's helping them receive the grace and mercy freely given to us through the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus.
Here's a great method in which you can proclaim the gospel:?Bridge to Life by Navigators. This is not only a great tool to use with one another, but the information packed in this document helps you explore His Word to gain greater understanding.
Here are just three reasons we proclaim the gospel:
Gospel Displayed
If we proclaim it we better live it. We cannot be hearers of the word and not allow it to change our lives. Our proclamation of the gospel will fall flat if we don't allow God to do the inner glorious work. Francis Chan once said, "Don't fall into the trap of reading His Word and not obeying it."
Social Media has displayed our lives to audiences we would have never reached. There's a saying, "Our lives are silent sermons for all to watch." That is more true today than ever. More and more people are watching each other live out their lives in short 15, 30, and 60-second clips. What are our lives telling people? Are we displaying the gospel? Are we imitating Christ? Are we showing one another what it's like to be hearers and doers of the word?
Discipleship is pivotal in displaying the gospel. Discipleship allows us to display the attributes of a gospel life lived for Christ. It displays the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23)
Galatians 5 goes on to teach us in verses 25-26, "If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another."
A gospel life lived for Christ
Our lives invite people into this journey - a journey lived on a mission for Christ. It's action, adventure, exploration, struggles, overcoming, enduring, purpose, and assurance.
We hope you've enjoyed this article. If you'd like to go deeper in your walk with the Lord enjoy this?FREE 7 day devotional on Foundations of Spiritual Growth.
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