Seismic Retrofitting - Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Requirements
Seismic Retrofitting Related to Building Hazardous Materials
Following the devastation of the 1994 Northridge earthquake, California passed into law seismic retrofitting requirements. This law requires hospital buildings to remain fully operational following a quake, with a deadline of 2030. Currently, 258 of 414 hospitals have at least one building yet to meet this set of standards. Additional requirements for a variety of building types in addition to hospitals have been added in the intervening nearly 30 years.
Seismic Retrofit Process
The seismic retrofit/upgrade process involves the following steps which can impact environmentally regulated materials (ERMs) such as asbestos and lead paints/coatings.
1. Review as-built structural drawings: and drawings at the Design Development and Construction Document phases to determine the areas where ERMs are located and where to focus the materials inspection and testing.
2. Intrusive materials inspection and testing:
3. Once the intrusive phase is complete, and the overall retrofit design is prepared, a more thorough (selective demolition) ERM survey of all the areas to be impacted by the retrofit may be required. This will ensure that the ERMs, if present, can be managed correctly during the retrofit/upgrade.
4. If ERMs are present in the finishes to be removed, or the structural members to be impacted are coated with ERMs, abatement of the materials must be performed so that the installation of upgrades, such as bracing, fiberwrap, additional concrete shear walls, etc. can proceed on ‘clean’ surfaces.
Select Seismic Retrofit Experience
In Citadel’s experience, every project will have unique requirements. If you have any questions about a current or future retrofit/upgrade project, please contact our Principal of Building Sciences, Kier DeLeo. | Phone: 818 246 2707 | [email protected]