Segundum Vera Video
Original art, created by the AI artist DALL-E with my input, editing, guidance & inspiration.Copyright, Desiderio Pina, 2023

Segundum Vera Video

Artificial Intelligence & Psychedelics

In recent years, there has been growing interest in using #psychedelic substances, such as psilocybin, for #therapeutic purposes. While these substances have been stigmatized and criminalized for decades, recent studies have demonstrated their potential in treating various mental health disorders, including #depression, #anxiety, and #ptsd. The emergence of #artificialintelligence (#ai) and #naturallanguageprocessing (#nlp) tools have enabled #researchers to better understand the mechanisms behind the therapeutic effects of psychedelics. Let's briefly explore how AI (and tools like #chatgpt) can help us better understand how psilocybin and other psychedelics can improve our general health, especially in psychiatric disorders.

Psychedelic substances and their therapeutic potential:

Psychedelics, such as #psilocybin, #lsd, and #dmt, are a class of drugs that create profound alterations in #perception, #mood, and #cognition. It has been known for many centuries by civilizations worldwide that these substances produce a dose-dependent #AlteredStateOfConsciouness. They have been used in #traditionalmedicine and #spiritual rituals for time immemorial, yet were criminalized in the 1960s due to concerns about their potential for abuse and harm. Thankfully, recent studies have shown that these substances may have therapeutic potential in treating various #mentalhealth disorders.

One of the most promising applications of psychedelics is in the treatment of depression. In a recent study conducted at Imperial College London, researchers found that psilocybin reduced symptoms of depression in patients who had not responded to more traditional #antidepressants. The study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (#fmri) to show that psilocybin increased activity in regions of the brain associated with emotional processing and reduced activity in the areas related to self-criticism and rumination (Carhart-Harris et al., 2016).

Similarly, in a study conducted at the #johnshopkins University School of Medicine, researchers found that a single dose of psilocybin produced rapid and sustained improvements in symptoms of depression and anxiety in #cancer patients (Griffiths et al., 2016). These findings suggest that psilocybin may be a powerful tool in treating depression and other #mooddisorders.

AI in understanding the mechanisms of psychedelics:

While the therapeutic potential of psychedelics is clear, the underlying mechanisms behind their effects are not yet fully understood. AI has the potential to shed light on these mechanisms and provide new insights into the therapeutic potential of these substances.

One way AI can help is by analyzing the large volumes of #data generated by studies on psychedelics. For example, in a recent study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry, researchers used AI to analyze #brain scans from #patients who had taken psilocybin. The AI #algorithms were able to identify #brainactivity patterns associated with the #psychedelicexperience, providing new insights into the mechanisms behind the therapeutic effects of psilocybin (Berkovich-Ohana et al., 2020).

In addition to analyzing #brainscans, AI tools (like Chat GPT) can also be used to examine the #language used by individuals during psychedelic experiences. A recent study at the University of California, #berkeley, used NLP techniques to analyze #trip reports from individuals who had taken psilocybin. The researchers found that the language used in these reports was more diverse and less predictable than in control reports. This suggests that psilocybin may increase creativity and open-mindedness, which could be an added mechanism behind its therapeutic effects (Fournier et al., 2021).

AI can also help identify individual #characteristics that may #predict a positive response to psychedelic therapy. In a recent study published in Neuropsychopharmacology, researchers used AI to identify #neural markers that predicted the therapeutic response to psilocybin in patients with depression. The study found that patients with greater connectivity between specific brain regions before taking psilocybin were more likely to experience a reduction in depression symptoms after the treatment (Roseman et al., 2018). An example of one of these regions is the #DefaultModeNetwork: a set of brain regions that, when taken together, exhibits strong low-frequency #oscillations coherent during resting state and is thought to be activated when individuals are focused on their internal mental-state processes, such as self-referential processing, #interoception (knowing how we feel 'inside': i.e., I'm hot; I'm hungry, I'm feeling frisky), autobiographical memory?retrieval, or imagining the future. This finding suggests that AI can help identify individuals most likely to benefit from psychedelic therapy and help personalize treatment plans.

Another way in which AI can help us better understand the therapeutic potential of psychedelics is through the identification of #novel #drugtargets in #drugdiscovery. Traditional psychiatric medications, such as #SSRIs and #benzodiazepines, have limited efficacy and often produce unwanted # side effects. On the other hand, psychedelics work through different mechanisms and have shown promising results in clinical trials, with minimal side effects or toxicity. AI can help identify the specific #receptors and #neurotransmitters targeted by these substances, which could lead to the development of #noveltreatments for mental health disorders (Winkler et al., 2021).

Limitations and ethical considerations:

While the potential of AI in understanding the #mechanisms behind psychedelic therapy is promising, there are also limitations and #ethical considerations to be aware of. One limitation is that the data used in AI analyses often come from small, homogenous samples. This can limit the findings' generalizability and may not represent the wider population.

Another ethical consideration is the potential for AI to be misused in ways that could be harmful. For example, #AI #algorithms could be used to predict which individuals are most likely to abuse psychedelics or experience adverse reactions, which could potentially be exclusionary or discriminatory. This could lead to the stigmatization of specific individuals or populations. As with all other powerful tools, AI must be used responsibly and ethically, with consideration for the potential risks and benefits. However, with careful consideration and ethical guidelines, AI can provide a considerable tailwind in advancing our understanding of the therapeutic potential of psychedelic substances. As we continue to learn more about the mechanisms behind the effects of these substances, we can develop new and innovative treatments for a range of disorders that have, at times, previously been resistant to traditional forms of therapy.


The emerging field of psychedelic-assisted #neuropsychiatric #treatment shows promising results for mood and anxiety disorders, among others. Using AI to better understand the underlying mechanisms behind these substances can aid in developing personalized and targeted treatment options. AI has the potential to shed light on neural mechanisms, psychological effects, and customized responses to psychedelic therapy. By analyzing brain scans and language use, identifying individual characteristics that predict a positive response to treatment, and identifying novel drug targets, AI tools (like chat GPT) can help us better understand the potential of these substances in treating mental health disorders. It is humbling and exciting to see cutting-edge 21st-century technology help usher back a centuries-old treatment.

While limitations and ethical considerations must be considered, the benefits of using AI to explore the therapeutic potential of psychedelics cannot be ignored. Further analysis and #clinicalresearch in this area will undoubtedly continue to yield new and exciting discoveries that will advance our understanding of the human #mind and the potential relief for those who suffer from many of these disorders.


Berkovich-Ohana, A., Glicksohn, J., & Goldstein, A. (2020). Mindfulness-induced changes in gamma band activity—implications for the default mode network, self-reference, and attention. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, 202.

Carhart-Harris, R. L., Bolstridge, M., Rucker, J., Day, C. M., Erritzoe, D., Kaelen, M., ... & Nutt, D. J. (2016). Psilocybin with psychological support for treatment-resistant depression: an open-label feasibility study. The Lancet Psychiatry, 3(7), 619-627.

Fournier, G. F., Tjalve, M., Bouso, J. C., Yaden, D. B., Carhart-Harris, R. L., & Hudson, J. I. (2021). Natural language processing and machine learning analysis of psychedelic experiences. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 593848.

Griffiths, R. R., Johnson, M. W., Carducci, M. A., Umbricht, A., Richards, W. A., Richards, B. D., ... & Klinedinst, M. A. (2016). Psilocybin produces substantial and sustained decreases in depression and anxiety in patients with life-threatening cancer: A randomized, double-blind trial. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 30(12), 1181-1197.

Roseman, L., Demetriou, L., Wall, M. B., Nutt, D. J., & Carhart-Harris, R. L. (2018). Increased amygdala responses to emotional faces after psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression. Neuropharmacology, 142, 263-269.

Winkler, A. M., Achat-Mendes, C., Kossenkov, A. V., Liu, X., Liu, H., Yao, S., ... & Can, A. (2021). Computational psychiatry of hallucinations induced by psychedelic drugs and their potential clinical implications. Neuropsychopharmacology, 46(2), 415-424.


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