Segera FC: A story of grit and success…
It is 5 pm, on a warm Thursday evening and the pitch is alive with activity. Though filled with dust, this doesn’t stop the young lads from enjoying a practice session after a full day’s work. A loud whistle goes off and everyone congregates around the coach. A short briefing is held and the team members split into two groups, differentiated by the colour of their vests. In what is characterised by loads of ball kicking, shouting, panting, and sweating, the two-hour session culminates with a beautiful sunset on the horizon of the wild plains beyond.
Established in 2014, the football club morphed from a pastime activity for staff members to unwind after work. “Within no time, many people gained interest and we soon formed a steady football team,” says Benaiah Odhiambo who doubles up as the Ranch Manager at Segera and Head Coach to the team.
Nine years later, the football club now stands at the top of their Division, having won numerous games and accolades alike. “Our turning point was in 2017 when we decided to register the team under the Football Kenya Federation. This gave the boys an opportunity to face more competition from other teams countrywide,” says Benaiah. From friendly matches with other clubs and neighbouring teams in Laikipia, the football club now plays against various teams in the Second Division of the National League.
The newly crowned champions of the 2022/2023 Laikipia Governor’s Cup tournament are a unique composition of passion and skills. For most players, their love for football was an avenue for them to gain employment at the Conservancy. “Being a part of the team has helped me gain new experiences. Navigating daily challenges both at work and from the games we take part in has made me grow my skills in football as well as in my workmanship. It is truly a dream to be able to earn a living out of my passion for football,’’ says Paul Wachuga, who works as a Junior Operator at the Workshop and is also the team’s Goal Keeper.
A myriad of trophies lay displayed at the Ranch Manager’s office. They are all testament to the growth of the team over the years. “We are always proud to represent the Segera brand out there. The victories have made us appreciate the amazing local talent that we were sleeping on,” adds Wachugu. The majority of the players are also drawn from the nearby communities. “You can see the local young children inspired whenever they see the players during a tournament within the community.”
For this team, football is not something they have had to do by chance. Theirs is a long-lived passion since childhood. Their dream is to play in the Kenya Premier League and beyond, all this while inspiring players from Laikipia County to aim to compete at the top. “Being the first team in Laikipia North to play in the Second Division of the National League, we hope to continue breaking barriers. Right now we must ensure the team continues to cement its place among the top-ranked teams in the country,” adds Benaiah.