SEG Near-Surface Geophysics Technical Section is recruiting abstracts for IMAGE 2024
Laurie Whitesell
Near Surface Geophysics Manager | Mining and Mineral Exploration | Business Development Europe
The abstract deadline is 15 March 2024 at 5:00 PM Central U.S. time, which is UTC -5hrs. To submit an abstract click here.
The SEG Near-Surface Geophysics Technical Section would like to invite you to submit an abstract to IMAGE 2024 where we will have a nice selection of special sessions, panel discussions a pavilion where will will host presentations and meetings. We are currently recruiting abstracts for all topics related to near-surface geophysics from agricultural geophysics to urban geophysics, and everything in between. IMAGE is an energetic event with great learning opportunities and various ways to engage. We hope to see you there.
We would like to thank our Near Surface Geophysics pavilion sponsor, Teledyne Marine, for supporting our efforts in the Near Surface Geophysics pavilion, as well as all of the near-surface geophysics companies who have agreed to exhibit in the pavilion area. The pavilion area and activities would not be possible without you. So, thank you all.