Seems like 2008 all over again
Kevin Cope
★ I help my clients to achieve Clarity Through Accountability which produces the right results., I am your catalyst for success!★
As I was cleaning the car the other day (service cancelled so the free clean will be a while) my mind wandered, as it does. I have my best thoughts, car cleaning, gardening or in the bath!
This current situation was beginning to feel a lot like 2008 for me, and how could I help people in the current situation because I had traumatic times then rebuilt my life to be in a much better place than I could ever have dreamed of. It was not easy, and it took a while but with knowledge, support and the right mindset I got through.
It was 12th December 2008 when the company I worked for, a subsidiary of Woolworths closed its doors and 30,000 of us were made redundant. As the company had gone into administration we were only paid up to 12th December, even though I had a 3 months’ notice period. When a company goes into Administration all contracts become null and void, including employment contracts. No notice period, other than the statutory minimum which to the main bread winner of the family didn’t really make too much difference. To add to this our final salary pension scheme, into which I had transferred some of my other pensions, went to the Pension Protection Scheme because no one was now contributing to the scheme.
A colleague persuaded us we should take the company to court as we could claim for our notice period to be paid, he had done this before when in a similar situation. We did win that battle and the Administrators sent a very nice letter agreeing our claim. What they omitted to put into the letter that they were only paying 1p in the pound of every claim, so I received a very nice cheque for £35.
My mother and father in law also passed away while I was putting my life back together.
What did I , and what I think will help you because I decided I wasn't going to work for a corporate again.
Protect yourself
Check your finances
When do you hit trouble?
What costs can you reduce? I have not taxed my car which was due today, it will not be going anywhere soon.
Surround yourself (virtually of course) with positive people, have virtual coffee meetings
Restrict your news and social media activity. There are a lot of well-meaning self-help groups popping up but they can drag you down
Make a list of
i. What three things must be done today
ii. Three things you would like to do today
iii. Three things that need to be done at some point
Make sure you are OK before you try and help others. Help yourself first, then family, then friends, then your business. When we used to fly they always tell you to fit your oxygen mask before helping others
Take regular exercise
Find your thinking place to have positive thoughts about what you can do
My next two posts will be about what you should be doing to protect your business and
prepare for freedom day
If I can help please get in touch.
Stay safe and healthy