A seemingly simple question

A seemingly simple question

Here's something I want you to do this weekend.

Forget - for a minute or two at least - about all your goals, hopes, dreams, frustrations, fears, etc.

And ask yourself:

What is one thing I could do to make my life a whole lot easier?

Note the 'I could do' part: it matters.

Of course there is a multitude of things that would make your life a whole lot easier.

Socks naturally pairing up with their other half.

People being generally decent and caring.

Self-cleaning kitchens.

But this is about things you have influence over.

Here are some examples to get your brain going:

  • Stop trying to always find the best deal for something and decide that your time is worth more than the potential savings;
  • Accept that you're never going to fix that leaky tap and get someone in to do it;
  • Lower your bar for deliverables/art/childcare and so on;
  • Finally buy that tool you've been eyeing for 2 years that seems outrageously expensive but that will make your daily life so much easier or joyful - or both.

Simple question.

One answer.

One thing.


And do share in the comments below what one thing is going to make your life a whole lot easier.

P.S. I've published a lot of stuff on procrastination lately - if you've missed them and would like to stop procrastinating here's a little list:





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