Seeking Zebra & Brother Users
Zebra RW420 and Brother RJ4000 Users are paying too much for thermal receipt rolls....Let's fix that right now!
Avante Enterprises LLC, a supplier to law enforcement agencies across the United States, is seeking to identify current users of mobile printers, specifically the Zebra RW420, and/or the Brother RJ4000 series.
These printers are predominately used by police agencies for electronic citation (ticketing), and parking violations. As one of America's leading suppliers of thermal receipt rolls used in the mobile printers Avante is well aware of the escalating costs that our law enforcement partners are forced to pay. Events in China during the past 2 years have resulted in cost surges of nearly 125%. Avante is prepared to address this issue head-on, but we need your input.
Here's our simple plan: 1) provide us with the make & model of printers used in your operations, along with details of your departments usage, 2) if you are aware of the current cost for thermal rolls that will be most helpful. 3) Avante will respond within 48 hours with a budgetary quotation that will detail our proposed solution - including any necessary delivery or freight charges, minimum purchases if any, and appropriate alternatives. The rest is up to you the consumer. If you like our product, our procedures, and our price you may wish to submit an order. If we don't meet your expectations - you have lost nothing. Worst case - you will have a truly market based price to compare against the current source of supply. Easier than an RFQ, RFP or RFI.
Contact us - [email protected]