“Seeking To Understand: The Ants’ Secret to Success”
There's a wealth of knowledge floating among us as a society, and within specific cultures, that prevents us from working together due to our own desire to speak more than listen. Isn't there even a scripture that talks about ants and how they work together?? Yes!
Highlighting the importance of knowledge sharing, collaboration, and effective communication. Yes, there's a scripture that illustrates the value of teamwork and cooperation, using ants as an example: “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest." - Proverbs 6:6-8 (NIV)
This scripture emphasizes the ants' ability to work together, organize themselves, and achieve their goals without centralized authority. It encourages us to learn from their example and adopt a similar approach to collaboration and community building.
In many cultures, ants are indeed seen as symbols of teamwork, industriousness, and collective wisdom. By studying their behavior and social structures, we can gain valuable insights into effective communication, cooperation, and problem-solving. We can begin touching on the importance of listening and learning from others. In today’s fast-paced, often load and opinionated world, it’s easy to forget the value of active listening and open-mindedness.?
I remember reading “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” By Stephen Covey.? He stated, “Seek first to understand BEFORE being understood”.? I was 25 years old at this time.? Of course, having to view this statement in my earlier years of adulthood didn’t seem appealing.? Afterall, I felt the statement only focused on the other individual rather than my meaning coming across TO the individual.?
But then, it hit me!? The need to understanding “the other individual” meant; that for my meaning to surface, I would first need to “Seek” how to understand this individual; before speaking to him/her.? All too often, you find many whispers in the world; people who can communicate with other animals and observe/study insects; yet how is it that we are so far removed from each other as humans, yet we speak the same language??
We seek to understand dogs and other animals before understanding and catering to ourselves; though a selfless act, we inevitably fail humanity.? A dog barks at the request for their food, gets their asses wiped, food brought to them, hair is groomed, their emotions are validated and are sought after - confirming an unconditional love for the dog.? Yet, if I ask for food, a haircut, or seek validity for my emotions: I’m a complainer, more than able to do for myself, and too sensitive.? We can learn a lot from ants.