Seeking Soulmates: Does Your Website Attract Dream Customers?
Curt Anderson
#GirlDad | Author of "Stop Being the Best Kept Secret" | Exciting New LinkedIn Live Stream Course | Get Your FREE Digital Game Plan | LinkedIn Live Show Every Monday & Friday at 12:32 EST
Seeking soulmates.
Isn't that basically the goal or function of a business website?
Most websites play the role of matchmakers in some capacity or another.
Not in the sense of an actual date, but a website matches you with a solution to the problem you face at that moment.
For example, searching for clothes, a vacation, a restaurant, the latest news, or whatever crosses your mind at that moment?
Google has your back and matches you with the best search result (big eye roll from every SEO guru out there).
Amazon used to match you up with the perfect book. Now, Amazon matches you with basically anything and everything from A-Z.
Uber finds you a ride when most needed.
Airbnb finds you a couch to crash on.
Seeking cool videos? Head over to Tik Tok and "Make Your Day".
The list goes on.
Think of your favorite website.
It most likely matches you with an article, product, service, an answer or a solution.
So as a business, in particular a manufacturer, does your website successfully play matchmaker?
Are you being paired up on exciting dates?
Are you finding the perfect match?
In other words, are you finding Soulmates?
Not to the movies or dinner.
Soulmates in the sense of connecting with that coveted dream customer.
Let's discuss further.
Seeking Soulmates
What is the reason for a business website?
In one word, attract customers.
Ok, that was two words but you get the point.
Hopefully, your website attracts new customers that help grow your business.
Especially those ideal dream customers.
I like to refer to those ideal customers as "Soulmates".
You know the type. Those coveted clients who would completely change your business.
For comparison, where does a single person find their Soulmate?
Especially for those who possess an insane schedule?
No social life and not into the bar scene? What to do?
Well, online dating is now the norm.
It's almost surprising when a new couple meets outside of an online dating site or a social media platform.
The negative stigma of online dating is a thing of the past.
According to the statics portal, Statista, 30% of 18 to 29 year olds currently use a dating website with an additional 31% used a dating site in the past.
Online dating allows you to explore the personality traits, passions, interests, and hobbies of a potential partner.
It's wonderful when you hear a friend or relative live out a wonderful success story by finding a companion and love interest on a dating site.
Online serendipity.
Well, what about your website?
Does your website currently help you connect with Soulmates?
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Soulmates: The First Date
You have one chance to make an outstanding first impression.
With your website, you only have one chance to make that great first Webpression.
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Let's compare a first date to someone landing on your website for the first time.
So you are heading out on a first date.
You need to impress. It's showtime. That first date typically gets the best you.
At least that is the plan if you hope for a second date.
Most first dates are not first thing in the morning when you wake up.
You probably would not go on a date straight after a killer workout either without freshening up or a complete makeover.
So what actually goes on before a first date?
So what are the preparations before a first date?
Guys will drop and knock off a few push-ups and sit-ups for last second physique improvements.
Shower. Deodorant. Perfume. Hair done perfect (well not in my case). How do the nails look?
Find your most appealing outfit. Dress for success. What is success? Hopefully a second date.
Find that shirt that brings the most confidence. Describes your personality.
Fresh breath. Nothing on your face or in your teeth.
Is the car cleaned?
What if that date ends up back at your place?
How do you feel? Do you feel squeamish?
Are you prepared? Is everything picked up? Tidy? Organized? Will they be impressed?
Let's change gears and look at your website.
In the same fashion, if your soulmate is just about to land on your website, are you ready for that first date?
For example, let's say a buyer at a Fortune 500 company is searching for the exact product or service that you provide.
You would completely Wow them if you connected with them and landed an order.
However, is your website up to the task?
Does your website provide enough information and reveal that you are truly a potential Soulmate?
As you take a hard objective look at your website, ask this question: Would you want to date YOU based on your website?
In other words, would you do business with you after looking at your website?
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Does Your Website Make You Look "Soulmate Worthy"?
Does your website create a "love at first sight" experience?
If you are too broad on a dating site profile, you spread your net out too far.
In other words, you will most likely have little success in landing a date or find yourself on many dates that lack chemistry.
Well, the exact same process works when a customer searches for a new supplier or vendor.
They seek a partner who aligns with common goals.
Soulmate characteristics include:
- Reliability
- Trust
- Common Values
- Experiences
- Strengths
- Successes
- Kindred Spirits
Business Date Traits to Attract Soulmates
So, instead of hobbies, interests, and goals that a dating profile would list, you need to state all of your attractive business date traits such as your vast experience and expertise?
Below includes a list of date traits to attract Soulmates (that you need to be displayed on your website):
- Staff
- Core Capabilities
- Machinery
- Tools & Equipment
- Industries served
- Testimonials
- Case Studies
- Resource Guides
- List your Products & Service
- eCommerce
Furthermore, you need to explain your value to the market as well as demonstrate how customers benefit by partnering with you.
A strong online presence and an eCommerce strategy both show that you deliver superior quality as well as high level solutions.
A thoroughly prepared website allows the opportunity to show that you help increase the profitability of your customers as well as make their business better. Dramatically better.
Make sure your website clearly and concisely demonstrates the problems you solve.
Blow them away like it's your first date.
The bottom line, your website needs to reveal that your business is so darn lovable that Soulmates (customers) simply cannot live without you.
Wrapping It Up
Thanks for reading this post. I deeply appreciate it!
For additional info, check out these helpful posts:
- 3 Step Approach To Scaling eCommerce for Manufacturers
- eCommerce Checklist: Manufacturing eCommerce Strategies
- 19 Tips for Curing “I Hate Change†(Plus a Healthy Dose of eCommerce)