Seeking Lead
Abhay Bhosale
Technical Lead and part of Solution Designing team for Emoscape at Nihilent Ltd.
Awoken by Alexa, in the light of dawn, he takes a warm shower and dresses up well. Cryptic about the day, delved in his own thoughts, he pulls out an ironed black suit from his cupboard, jolts it out and wears it like a gentleman. He then dries his hair with a Dyson. The air conditioner is tired of throwing hot air outside the house, but still keeps doing so, until Alexa commands it to stop again. While coffee is been freshly made by the coffee machine on its own in the kitchen, for it was waiting since yesterday to do so, his car in the parking lot, turns on automatically to cool down it's cabin with a cold boost of AC.
With a slight tinge of nervousness in his veins and feeling a little feverish in his own way, he lights a smoke, standing in the balcony and drags a puff. Checking his phone, and rehearsing for the day, he throws off the stub far away. Opening the fridge, unwrapping his protein-rich plastic-wrapped diet breakfast, he eats it all away. Putting his dark glares on, he then decides to move on.
Door closes automatically and gets locked behind him, as he moves to the parking. Besides parking, he can see water drops still dropping off the AC vent in a tiny pond, highlighting that it's been really tired cooling him all night along. Car unlocked, he starts his trip, on the radio he listens to the news they sing. Though it's just past dawn, he realizes that it is much warmer and humid than he expected, so he manually pushes the AC button for a cooler boost of air, which makes the engine rev more louder and in a way, he feels the pressure gushing out of the vehicle. On crossroads, he waits until the signal turns green, revving his engine, until he feels the custom breeze.
As he passes by the lane, he sees farmers protesting for their farm rights, sweaty and toiled at their own heights. He believes, the ministers will take good care of them and will provide what they want, but what he doesn't know, is, that they have already discussed things with the ministers and as they have ignored them, they have come here for a fight. On the news he hears about the possible heat wave which might soar temperatures further this noon, so he wonders whether he can return back early, wrapping up his presentation today before noon.
He feels pride and accomplished watching so many of them gather below his office, to watch his presentation and take notes from it. As he watches them ascending stairs to reach the podium, he parks his car in the open shade, and hops on a lift from behind the stairs.
Reaching the podium, he settles down the crowd, with the right setup done on stage, he starts presenting and makes speeches out loud. Listening to what he says on stage, among the wider audience, some feel ecstatic, while some feel ironic, for most of them are peasants and wage workers, while most of them belong to the ordinary lot. The ecstatic ones are admiring his vibe, irrespective of what he says, they simply like his chime, while the ironic ones are those who actually listen to his chimes. They soon realize, that what he says is what he doesn't follow, and hence, they start considering his presentation a mere shallow.
His presentation demands action to be taken on global warming and climate change, by the people belonging to the working class, considering them as the ones who exacerbate. He also urged to plant more trees and cut down pollution costs by avoiding diesel generators. What he ignores instead, is that people belonging to his class standard, are the ones who actually exacerbate. This is what the wider audience knows already, and hence, they start leaving the podium half-heartedly.
More than wage workers, the higher class needs to consider this as a life threatening threat, and alike rest of them, they also need to take steps to reduce this global wildfire spread. It is them, who the ordinary lot idolizes and it is them, who must start taking steps first. They must be the seed generators to start tree plantation and they must be the ones to initiate pollution and global warming reduction.
Ordinary lot has always followed what the extraordinary lot has always followed. We need leaders in this space, who can optimistically inspire people to follow and make the shift towards greener living. They motivate the ordinary to go places that they would never otherwise go.
Go green! Go eco! Stop warming!
Here's a list of few leaders who have been doing their best. We need more leaders like these and many more followers to follow -