Seeking Knowledge
Chathurie Nupearachchi
Physicist with good vibes while acting multiple roles as a lecturer, researcher, education consultant, STEM activist, writer and speaker
How to seek knowledge and filter out the dross?
According to my view, knowledge can be acquired if you seek it with an open mind. With the experience in knowledge seeking, you will have the ability to gain wisdom. Most of the time, our students are only interested in the things related to their specific syllabus/degree program where their knowledge is stagnated with time. Actually, knowledge should lead to transform into a wiser person who is interested in learning new things while reflecting on the process, analyzing the experiences and putting the knowledge to the test. These things are not done thoroughly by the new generation of students and I believe that is why we can see less students with innovative thoughts and critical thinking.
So, here are the tips that I use to seek knowledge till I die.
1)?????Do not be afraid to try new things
If you are a knowledge seeker, nothing will change if you stay and do the repetitive things day after day. As a challenging person, you need put yourself into new opportunities to learn and make sure you reflect on the experience as well. It can be trying new recipe, going to place that you have never been before, learning a new subject etc. Hence, choosing novelty in life over the familiar things should be done here.
2)?????Make mistakes
Everybody is not perfect. Our mistakes mold us into different people as we all learn from our mistakes in life. Taking risks and making errors are not the activities to be afraid of. I personally see that if we make mistakes, we learn faster and the learnt lesson is in a permanent place of our brain. When we encounter the same scenario again, then we know how to react in an effective way as a result.?
3)?????Learn from the people around you
I really like to observe/talk/ interact with people that I do not know who are from different backgrounds because I can learn many things from them. I feel that the more you empathize with fellow humans by being a good listener and ask more questions, it will broaden the view on life as you try to understand them better without letting your mind wander to judge them based on your narrow point of view.
4)?????Share your thoughts with others
In all situations I am open, non-judgmental and thoughtful as a person thanks to my mentors who are helping along my journey. Even that is why I try to find out ways to play that role for other people especially for students who might be able to benefit from what I have learnt. As an academic, I try to do my best to point them in the right direction if someone asks for an advice. Without preaching it is better to lead by being an example.
5)?????Practice the harder way instead of the smarter way
I believe it is the most effective way to increase the knowledge. Because I feel that technology is the biggest culprit to decrease the cognitive function as it make certain tasks easier for us. For example, if you are driving to a particular place, then turn off the GPS system. Use your tiny brain cells to figure out where you are as an exercise. By doing in the hard way using old school methods, you force your mind to think creatively.?
The following link explains 14 ways to acquire knowledge.