Seeking Knowledge

Seeking Knowledge

Allah says, ?O Prophet,? “Are those who know equal to those who do not know?” None will be mindful ?of this? except people of reason.” It was narrated from Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah (?) said: "Seeking knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim.” Sunan Ibn Majah 224.

It is clear in the above that knowledge raises the rank of a person over the ignorant. Moreover, knowledge should be with reasoning, for knowledge without reasoning would be a blind belief (ritual).? Therefore, seeking proper knowledge not just assumptions or gossips, is considered a duty for every Muslim.

Knowledge allows timely actions; right decisions; informed living; and last but not the least, confidence. Hence, the proverb, “Ignorance is a bliss” was never true. Instead, ignorance cannot be taken as an excuse.

1.?????? Divine vs. Worldly Knowledge

Divine knowledge (Ilm ul Ghayab) concerns knowledge of the unseen i.e. future happenings, life hereafter, and the hidden universe. Allah says, “Nor would Allāh reveal to you the unseen. But [instead], Allāh chooses of His messengers whom He wills, so believe in Allāh and His messengers. And if you believe and fear Him, then for you is a great reward.” 3:179

The believers keep their faith on what the Messengers pbut of Allah inform them of the divine revelations, followed by seeking the signs which Allah has made evident in the universe and acknowledging His decisions from time to time to build reasoning of their faith. This process is elaborated in Quran as follows, “Haq ul Yaqeen; Ilm ul Yaqeen; and, Ain ul Yaqeen.”? In this regard Allah says, “But you cannot Will ?to do so? unless Allah Wills. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

Worldly knowledge concerns the knowledge of the seen (Physical world). Such as; sciences, technology, economics, social behaviors, politics and last but not the least physical constituents of the universe, etc. These can be observed, sensed, studied and experimented. This knowledge is different from the divine knowledge in the sense it is bounded and imperfect, hence evolves overtime.

2.?????? Prophet Muhammad pbuh Encouraged Holistic Empowerment:

Beloved Prophet Muhammad pbuh said, “The stronger believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, although both are good. Strive to seek that which will benefit you and do not feel helpless. If something overwhelms you, then say: Qaddarallah, wa ma sha'a fa’al (It is the decree of Allah and what He wills He does). And beware of (saying) ‘If only,’ for ‘If only’ opens the door to Satan.” Sunan Al Majah # 4168.?


??????? First, the Prophet pbuh encourages every soul to be stronger in his faith and capacity, meaning one should stay prepared [competitive] for the struggle.

??????? Second, the Prophet pbuh has made it a responsibility upon each incumbent to struggle for progress: embrace success with a gratitude rather than pride, and face hardships with the hope for a better future [sabaar].

??????? Third, the Prophet pbuh requires every soul to distinguish between progress that is good and not good.

Let us pray: Ya’ Allah increase our knowledge that is beneficial in this life and in the life hereafter, and make it a source of you becoming pleased with us. Ya’ Allah save from the knowledge that is vain (lugve) and mislead our emaan. ?Ya’ Allah save us from indulging in arguments that make us go astray. Allah says, “Do not argue with the people of the Book unless it is in the best manner, except with those of them who commit injustice.” 29:46


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