Seeking Fairness? But, “Nothing is fair in this World”

Seeking Fairness? But, “Nothing is fair in this World”

Absolute fairness is hard to achieve

Is seeking an absolute fair treatment an unreasonable expectation? This question assumes prominence, as this is the foundation of our justice system. Rules and regulations get drafted and are anchored around this principle, and so are our rights and duties. Then why do we see folks constantly complaining about unfairness? The answers stems from the fact that though the intent of the social system is aimed at achieving this objective but, practically absolute fairness is hard to accomplish – primarily because one never get to choose the initial conditions – the starting line of the race. These initial conditions are mostly driven by an element of randomness beyond individual’s control. For example, one cannot get to choose the family/society/country in which he/she is born. His inherent birth skills and capabilities are a gift of randomness, which he imbibes automatically without having made any conscious efforts and contributions towards it. The origin of birth, and the skills acquired on that account, can fundamentally alter the playing conditions compared to others, who might not have been that fortunate. How can a situation be considered fair when starting condition are so different across all individuals competing for the same opportunity?

Success is not dependent upon fairness

Though the state of affairs can be grossly unfair for different individuals, the good news is that success is not totally dependent on the fairness of the situation, on the contrary challenges emanating on account of unfairness actually can help individual to grow stronger. Dealing with difficult situations enables one to sharpen his skills and grow new ones - to which he would not have otherwise focused at all. Hence, for an individual, unfairness of situations can turn out to be a blessing in disguise, and provide him with opportunities to work it towards his advantage. Over time with strong determination and focus, more skills can be acquired, which can help level the playing field for future opportunities.

Success is about “innovating” through application of “new skills”

Success is highly dependent upon one’s ability to maximize value through constant “innovation” and application of “new skills”. The need to innovate through the application of new skills is a continuous process, as the ground situation also keeps evolving, and is never the same as it was in past. Hence, in order for one to be on top of situations, he/she has to keep an open mind and ready to learn from all possible sources. The act of “learning” is a focused and disciplined process of “training the mind”. The mind can get easily distracted by worldly pleasures/biases, which can become the biggest impediment in the path of achieving success. So at the end of the day it is all about controlling and training one’s mind for the desired results.

Success is highly dependent upon effective “mind training”

The following tools are absolutely essential for the “mind training” process.

  1. Strong Passion – It drives the mind towards positive action, and helps overcome the “sense of discomfort” and “fear” which one experiences during the learning process.
  2. Humility and Gratitude– Know it all attitude can be dangerous and can be a barrier in the learning process. Hence one needs to have the sense of humility and gratitude towards others and about situations.
  3. Effective Planning – Practical and workable plan is a must for an effective learning process.
  4. Measuring Progress – It helps in course corrections in the learning process in case outcome is not turning out to be as desired.
  5. Holding on to one’s Principles – It helps one to hold ground and avoid strong enticements and distractions, which can be fatal.
  6. Ability to Sacrifice – Willing to give up goodies in case they become impediments in the path of learning and achieving one’s objectives, this also includes one’s ability to make compromises for the larger interests of the team/family/society.
  7. Ability to take risks – Ability to take calculated risk is a very important part of the learning process.
  8. Listening to all – Strong listening skills helps in the learning process. Listening is not just the process of hearing, but having an open mind to accommodate other’s contributions and opinions.

“Unfairness” cannot be an excuse for “inaction”

Fairness is a good thing to have, but its absence cannot be considered as an excuse for “inaction”. Success is a relative phenomenon and monetary gains cannot be the sole metric for its measurement. It is about holistic “value creation” achieved by constant innovation, fueled through enhanced skill sets, acquired by a process of continuous and rigorous training. Success is not just adding to cash flows, but it must greatly enhance the individual’s ability to add value, so that he/she can increase contributions towards his/her profession, family and the society.  


 (The views expressed are my own and does not necessarily reflect those of my employer)


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