Seeking 2022 Director Nominations

Seeking 2022 Director Nominations

Heritage Co-op is seeking two Directors to join our nine-person Board in 2022. The Board of Directors oversees governance at Heritage Co-op, represents all Members and guides Management. Directors offer representation for the communities of Minnedosa, Brandon, Wawanesa, Erickson, Sandy Lake, Strathclair and Rivers.

“Being a Director gives you the opportunity to support your community by offering insights that will ensure Heritage Co-op is successful now and for future generations.” said Board Vice President, Mel Birmingham, “Our Co-op is a critical part of the local economy and I take pride in providing guidance as part of the Board.”

The two Director positions will be elected by the Membership during the Annual General Meeting and will be held for a three-year term. Directors must be willing to attend monthly meetings and serve on Board Committees. Board Members receive a monthly per diem along with other expense coverage for their efforts.

A formal nomination process will be undertaken including completion of nomination forms and two signatures of recommendation to be submitted two weeks before the AGM. (April Date to be determined)

If you would like more information, or to receive nomination forms, please click on this link to find contact information for the Nominations Committee


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