Seek Peace
If we always do what we've always done, we'll always get what we always got. How much of our life is driven by sometimes subtle and sometimes desperate activities that are attempts to lessen our anxiety? Drinking. Drugging. Running from here to there. Hanging out with people we're not even sure we like. Buying this, buying that. An endless stream of diversions- video games, television series, YouTube videos, and social media posts. Why do we put so much effort into fleeing from our feelings? The uncomfortable feelings remain and we awake realizing that we've spent too much money again, took risks that we immediately regretted, spent another evening with people who use us, abuse us, and can't be trusted to ever put our needs first. Why? We've spent another night of our lives having "fun" but realizing at our core that we felt unfulfilled and unhappy even in the midst of all of the clamor. How do we step out of this ceaseless, unsatisfying search for relief, peace and happiness? The first step is the most challenging: to realize that we have to find ways to be at peace. No one can provide peace for us. Frantic, manic activities are distractions, not true peace. Our initial uneasy feelings are still here and often amplified by new feelings of guilt, disappointment and rejection. Seek peace. Find a way to quiet your thoughts. Meditate. It's not that difficult to stay quiet for fifteen minutes. Breathe deeply. Set up a small shrine or altar. Connect with your own spirit and the spirits of loved ones who truly will protect you and care for you. Love yourself. We are all imperfect. Nourish your spirit. Our feelings are fountains of wisdom. Get to know yourself and deepen your love and appreciation for who you truly are.