Seek the Light
Aaron Varella
MBA Candidate @ Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management | Relentless Optimist | Connector | I'm a beach boy who loves the snow
The Heliotropic [ hee-lee-uh-trop-ik, -troh-pik ] Effect.
Which means that every living thing has a tendency toward the light and away from darkness.
Think when plants turn to the sun or when people say light at the end of the tunnel. I've been thinking about this recently in regards to leadership.
I think of our country; how leaders on our national stage are more divisive than ever. But that division is not only manifested on the national stage; it goes all the way down to our local leaders, companies, friends, and people around us.
I think about quotes that say, "the success of any community depends on the strength of bonds that leaders help create.”
But somehow, we are seeing more division from our leaders. I know for many leaders it's hard to wake up and face the sun, but now more than ever, we need leaders to turn to that light while encouraging others too as well.
The more we go toward the dark, with toxic cultures, leaders environments, and people - we will only further harm ourselves and those around us.
You don't need to hold a formal leadership title or job, to believe that you have a voice. You have a voice to start that change. We need to begin the shift starting in our circles the most.
We need to also understand our privileges in allowing us to do so. I acknowledge that not everyone can immediately have an optimistic outlook, but pushing to do so will improve your life. Accepting your privileges will also allow you to help others doing so. Although not everyone is blessed with amazing leaders and mentors(shoutout to mine), I know we can take it on ourselves to be that leader we want to be. This is to my family, friends, co-workers who continue to inspire me to see the bright side of things.
This upcoming Tuesday is a big day, and even after, no-one can guess what will happen. But, Allison Sheehan, in an article about the heliotropic effect, says it the best:
"If you shine the light of positive practices on to those around you, they're going to follow it, because when lightness shines on darkness, human tendency is to follow the light."
In these next few days, a few weeks, and a few months - I encourage you to continue to seek the light.
Much Love,
Special Shoutout:
@Kelli Jo McNemar for posting about the Heliotropic effect, where I first heard this.
@Jonathan Alfonso Photography Credits.
The hoodie is from YesTheory/Seek Discomfort line.
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4 年“How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.” - keep your tendencies toward the light and keep the throwing your beams my friend!